
That’s the first step, of course. But someone from a LIBRUL RAG will point out that the GOP has a majority in the Senate, so then it’s onto Plan B. With all the glossing over that’s been going on for the past six months, Washington must have a covering of lacquer six miles deep.

Yep, even the Prince of Darkness understands right-wingers are passionate about small government, except when they aren’t.

I’m shocked, shocked, I say to learn that a Republican congressman named Buddy from Georgia is less than enlightened. Does he represent the views of his constituents? You bet your ass he does. As always, the problem is not the politicians, it’s the voters who elect them. Thanks to the good people of Georgia’s 1st

In 1984, the Ministry of Peace wages war, the Ministry of Love tortures dissidents and the Ministry of Truth produces propaganda. So when we say “ambassador at large for international religious freedom” we really mean “guy who will piss off non-Christians*”. We are living in the future dystopia.


Now playing

This is not a bad parody of a Republigun campaign ad. This is an actual ad from the current governor of Missouri. This kind of medieval legislation is what happens when you vote for, um, people like this. As always, the problem is not the politicians, it’s the people who vote for them.



What could go wrong? Shark are so docile and easy to train. Why, I’m just about to feed my pet bull shark Cuddles. Here, buddy here’s your dinae’r4wqgar;;;trq;gfdsafWQT54TG3Y

That’s what he and Trump are all about. It’s straight up racism. They are trying to erase all traces of Obama from our collective memory. The Trump (ahem) agenda is to roll back everything he did. Do you think there were political reasons for re-blocking Cuba? I’ve been overseas since 2008 and when foreigners ask me

What have the Democrats ever done to overhaul healthcare, aside from ... overhauling healthcare?

As the Majority Leader, he controls the schedule of the Senate, what they vote on and when.

It wasn’t fate. He was elected senator, and elected majority leader. This was written in 2010. It describes how he used the power of the office of minority leader to bend the Senate to his will.

Ah, there’s the rub. The problem isn’t the politicians. Donald Trump is Donald Trump and has always been Donald Trump. What we know about him as a “person” today is exactly what we knew about him last year. Same for ol’ Mitch. No, these guys aren’t the real problem. It’s the voters. We have a representative

I must respectfully disagree. I think when historians pick through the wreckage of what was America, ol’ Mitch will figure prominently. I think he gets dismissed or overlooked because of his unfortunate appearance and demeanor. But he held the Senate hostage under Obama, refusing to hold hearings on Merrick Garland

That’s not on the GOP agenda. Uncle Vlad’s got that covered.



Yep, and the Trumpanzees believe Trump didn’t do it but it was Obama’s fault for letting it happen. We are living in 1984.

Are you suggesting that the good people of Arizona and the rest of the REAL MURCA are less than enlightened on the finer points of congressional lawmaking?

First we blame the obstructionist Democrats, then blame the Republicans who “betrayed” their own party, then blame Obama for creating the mess, then blame the DISHONEST MEDIA for not reporting about the millions of people who die of Obamacare every day, then blame Clinton for something.

I just spoke with Satan, and he is not on board with this. He does not want a sudden flood of Senators and is afraid that McConnell will take over. I’m paraphrasing, but he said something like “Sure, this is Hell, but sheesh, let’s be reasonable.”