
I think we’re looking at this backwards. Last year LeBron had his best statistical season and wasn’t even the MVP conversation. Westbrook won because he single-handedly lifted the Thunder to the playoffs without Kevin Durant. I think LeBron is serving notice that he is going to go Full Westbrook this season. He is

It’s 2017. Words no longer have meaning. You can call it whatever you want. However, it’s actual name has been The Open Championship for 146 years, so we should probably just stick with that.


You can’t possibly think I give a rat’s ass about your opinion, after your last screed, can you?

He was a last-minute replacement after Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington and Benedict Cumberbatch all backed out.

There is no place in the comments section for informed, nuanced observations like this.

Texas is, like, pretty big. It’s entirely possible this comment is referring to a place other than Houston. I’m from the tiny state of Maryland. You can drive from the urban warzone of Baltimore to the richest counties in the United States in 20 minutes.

I moved onto a houseboat, and woke up the next day completely surrounded by water!

I am aware of what I’m reading. I got me some book learnin’. I also have valuable life lessons from my father. He told me that if you see injustice in society, it is your duty to go online and anonymously curse at total strangers.

Keep up the great work, Diana. It’s too bad that your Actual Journalism is getting sandwiched in between stories about video games and professional wrestling.

What do you call someone who makes blanket statements about a group of people based solely on their gender?

This is how brazenly, confidently stupid men are.

There’s a word people who make blanket statements about people based solely on their gender...

It’s wrong to point out that it’s wrong? What specifically would you like me to do?

The only solution is more guns.

Let’s not forget that TURRISTS are who we need to fear.

Christie didn’t raise the age, the NJ state legislature did. He merely signed the bill. Government 101. As we have seen with SCROTUS, it is entirely possible for the executive to sign legislation without having read it or having the faintest idea what it does.

It’s a guilty pleasure for me too. The premise is so batshit. A secret society of assassins who are, um, weavers? Bekmambetov has a great knack for crazy action scenes. I especially like the one where McAvoy runs through the factory snagging guns from the guys he shoots along the way, an idea so cool it showed up

I think you kinda answered your own questions. Fanboys. If it’s not absolutely faithful to my perception of the comic books it sucks. I’m not into comic books so I couldn’t give a rat’s ass if it’s canonical. I did read Watchmen and thought it was hugely overrated and, yeah, Zach Snyder was slagged for being too faithf

Sharks don’t have arms? NO. WAY.

And STILL the supposedly LIBRUL RAGS are dancing around this story. I just saw Anderson Cooper report this just might cast doubt on the credibility of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, who we known for months has been in cahoots with the Russians. We’ve got a whole g-d room full of smoking guns.

Don’t worry about Spicy. He’ll end up making millions opening his word hole on Fox, or teaching public speaking at a prestigious school.