You lived in the REAL MURCA? Was it as great as the Trumpanzees say?
You lived in the REAL MURCA? Was it as great as the Trumpanzees say?
Unfortunately everything up to that point was typical Tony Scott, RIP.
That’s an underrated and bonkers action film. I had hoped Timur Bekmambetov would go on to bigger and better things, but no...
SNL already did it.
There are some newcomers to the race. North Carolina has made a strong push, Kentucky and Alabama are always strong contenders, and even Kansas and Wisconsin are trying to muscle in on the action.
They are also trying the tack of “heart beat laws”, which would ban abortions when a heartbeat can be detected. Of course, this happens before the woman even knows she’s pregnant, so it’s a way of banning all abortions without really banning all abortions <wink wink>.
Actually, males bite the females during mating. Females have skins 50 percent thicker than males and can be identified by the scars left behind by their mates. If they survive.
Only MURCANS can push around MURCANS, dammit!
He’s guilty and is trying to give himself a way out. How’s that?
Funny you should mention 1860, because that’s when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions thinks America Was Great.
This looks like a forced perspective shot from Lord of the Rings. Criticize Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, and I do daily, but you have to admit he was great as Gollum.
I’ve been thinking about this, and I can’t seem to find the downside.
It would appear sarcasm was not excatly the correct approach for me to take.
As a white person I can’t help but take offense to this. That’s just straight up racist. Don’t blame this backpfeifengesicht on me.
The takeover of this site by stories about video games saddens me. It used to be playing video games was shorthand for “awkward kid wasting time”, but now people write about people paying to watch other people play video games. It’s a bit jarring to scroll down through stories about Steph Curry, Roger Federer and Mike…
I don’t want to live in a world where “Vine star” is A Thing. Now if you post selfies of your boobs on social media you’re an “Instagram model”. People watch videos of other people talking about other other people playing video games. This is the next-gen iteration of “people who are famous for being famous”, except…
“It’s too bad I didn’t play for the Cowboys.”
Elliott looks like Greg Oden’s father. I’m sure that’s perfectly natural.
Sshhh... Trumpanzees think that’s a documentary.