
This was a bad play. Those words are way above her vocabulary level. She thinks “scourge” is the guy from that Christmas book. They should have posted a cartoon on YouTube, or sent a coloring book.

When I was a cub reporter in Washington during the 1990s I ran into McCain a lot and liked him immensely. He was never the “maverick” the media hive mind makes him out to be, but back then he really did give zero fucks what people thought. It’s been sad watching him shrivel into a desperate, craven opportunist. He was

Heh. I like the LOTR reference. I’ve referred to Trump supporters as orcs. Subterranean creatures of pure malice who only exist only to serve their master.

As to why they are so clueless about How Things Work, we have to keep in mind these are a bunch of rich old men who got rich through graft. People just give them

I like kakistocracy.

Yep, they control all three branches of the government and most state legislatures and can’t get shit done. The ineptitude would be hilarious if the consequences weren’t so dire.

Agreed. They are systematically rolling back every accomplishment of the previous administration so they can wipe all traces of that uppity negro from our collective memory. If Obama had personally cured cancer Trump would reintroduce cancer. I’ve been overseas since 2008 and whenever someone asks me why Americans are

I find myself in awe of how flamboyantly, proudly evil Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is. That photo of him is perfect. He might as well just started wearing his Klan robes to work. I’m sure there are exceptions, but it seems every policy he is trying to resurrect is openly designed to make life difficult for brown

There is just so much about this that I can’t wrap my head around, starting with the admittedly trivial fact that I can’t believe people still listen to R Kelly. He’s the Ted Nugent of R&B.

I know, right? In other news, Trump hasn’t been charged with anything, so why are we still talking about Russia?

I’ll go with Occam’s Razor and say the reason he surrounds himself with young girls is because he likes young girls.

Given the cruelty and spite exhibited by Kim Jong Trump and his spawn, I’m finding it hard finding sympathy for this “miserable” guy. This tweet sums up the mindset of the Trumpanzees. I don’t want anything bad to happy to me, but I really DO want bad things to happen to others. Junior should be happy they haven’t

The party that wants to strip millions of its countrymen of health insurance and kick out all the immigrants is granting residency to a baby so it can receive health care, all because Bible blah blah blah. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping, even for these goons.

But he didn’t win. He lost the popular vote by nearly three million. We know the Comey letter demonstratively tilted the results. We know voter suppression affected the results, but we don’t know how much yet. (Apparently as many as 200,000 in Wisconsin alone.) And, it’s hard to tell this by the way the media hive

A poorly imagined character, poorly written, poorly clothed and omfg what is he going for with that performance. When the closest analogy I can think of is Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, you’ve gone off the rails. “Just talk really fast and wave your arms a lot.”

Think of two other recent villains on TV. Varga on Fargo

He showed off his athletic hemisphere?

“I see nothing wrong with this.”
— 40 percent of MURCA

R Kelly is a sick piece of shit. And, in other news, the sun rose in the east today.

Yep, some top shelf parenting going on there.

A bit off topic, but Oz’s conservative government rounded up all the guns after the Port Arthur massacre. That was more than 20 years ago, and yet somehow Australia still exists. Or, as the son put it, “. If anybody can help, just call the police and demand answers. I’m so done with all this violence. It’s so much

When I was 19 I knew everything, too, but I didn’t have social media to enlighten the world. Imagine the paradise we’d live in if I had a platform to share my wisdom when I was a teenager.