
Yep, the last time I was home I spoke to people who are otherwise intelligent, reasonable people who sincerely believe Hillary Clinton has personally murdered people.

Gee, who would be more likely to have someone killed, Hillary Clinton or Vladimir Putin... 

I was going to skip this as I do all coverage of this circus sideshow until I saw your byline, Diana. I understand these two cavemen are in your journalistic wheelhouse, but does Deadspin really need to waste any space on this? No one denies that it is a cash grab, a sports event where absolutely nothing is on the

Except for the actual games. Those are always straight-up losses.

One question the media failed to ask during the campaign and to my knowledge still hasn’t, is what does “Make America Great Again” mean? Why was it great? When was it last great? For Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, the answer is 1860, when colored folks knew their place and women stayed in the kitchen. The poor guy

They don’t need to, because they’re already pretty sure what’s inside. There’s that passage where Jesus talks about guns, and that part in the Constitution where Reagan wrote about the rights of insurance companies.

Oh, so you have a problem with dead people? You anticorpsist!

— Donald Trump

Indeed. With just about any -ism, America simply presents the biggest and loudest version of it. Trump is the most visible and potentially most dangerous manifestation of the strongman phenomenon we see in Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, Russia, etc.

Back in the 1990s, I interviewed a writer named Robert D. Kaplan. I

Now playing

When I was young, not only was I not encouraged to travel, I was actively discouraged from traveling. YOU LIVE IN THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO ANYWHERE ELSE. I went through 13 years of school and earned two college degrees, and never had to take a foreign language class. DON’T WASTE YOUR

Judging by the comments, if that was your intent, you missed the mark. I’ve heard this argument from liberal friends and was once accused of being racist because I don’t listen to hip hop. When I countered that I am in fact a jazz and blues musician, I was accused of “cultural appropriation”.

I live in Cambodia where there were no cinemas at all until a few years ago. Now we have a couple, but choices are slim. There’s a western style cinema in the country’s one mall with seven theaters, and they were showing “Fasterererer and More Furiouserererer” in all seven! I generally avoid superhero movies but I

According to the media hive mind, the ascendancy of Kim Jong Trump was a working class revolt against coastal elites. Working class Americans are concerned about the effects of globalization, anxious about the loss of manufacturing jobs, and angry at the increasing influence of corporate America on politics. That’s

Yep, racism, sad to say, is universal. I’m white but I live in Asia, where people are terrified of black people. An African-American friend came to visit. A good looking, stylish guy with a ton of money. We got thrown out of a club because some of the nouveau riche young folks objected to his presence. I was

I have been traveling and working overseas since 2008. I hate to burst your bubble, but everyone, everywhere is racist. I am certainly not condoning racism, merely pointing out that it is a fundamental human characteristic to fear or hate that which is different. And it’s not just race. There is the urban/rural

Watching Tall Man tennis is excruciating. The lousy turf conditions have hindered players who rely on, you know, tennis and rewarded guys who have nothing but a serve. All credit to Raonic for a gutty third set, but it was almost cartoonish watching him lurch around the court as Federer ran him ragged. He’s as mobile

Boom. Federer was the second-best clay player in the world and the best on every other surface. I’m a big Rafa fan, but I don’t see much of a debate here.

When I was growing up outside Balmer my friends and I would hate read Rosenthal in the Baltimore Sun. (This is back when the Sun was a reputable newspaper.) Laugh out loud bad. Fire Joe Morgan-worthy stuff. Then he disappeared and we assumed the Sun had decided to trade up. Little did we know he had traded up. He

Trump’s son was at the meeting.
Trump’s son-in-law and now Secretary of Important Stuff was at the meeting.
Trump’s then-campaign manager was at the meeting.
The meeting was in Trump’s building.
Trump was in the building.
Trump didn’t know anything about it.

And so he decided that Putin didn’t come in his ass.