Or partnering with al Qaeda to improve airline safety after 9/11. Make no mistake, this was an act of war, and Trump has rolled out the red carpet for 2018/20. And STILL the Trumpanzees circle the wagons tighter.
Or partnering with al Qaeda to improve airline safety after 9/11. Make no mistake, this was an act of war, and Trump has rolled out the red carpet for 2018/20. And STILL the Trumpanzees circle the wagons tighter.
He knows it’s true. If he wasn’t personally in on it I will eat my laptop. For him “winning” is all that matters, and if it means selling out his country to its most formidable enemy to beat the “nasty woman”, so be it.
Our president has an extensive agenda he wants Trump to ram through Congress. Now he also has a long list of Trump associates who will fall from out of high-rise windows.
This is a real thing. When I was young and fit I was checking out a girl at the gym and accidentally dropped a 45-pound plate from about chest high onto my big toe. The pain was so bad I literally saw stars. It turned out the edge of the plate had sliced the end of my toe off. Visible bone. Being a guy, my first…
This milk is sour. If I put it back in the fridge, maybe it will taste better tomorrow.
You can bet your ass he’s sitting by the phone, or whatever the metaphor is in the mobile phone era.
I’m sitting here watching Dominic Thiem snarfing down a banana during a break. Now we know why he’s never won a major. Federer, Nadal... those guys don’t eat for the entire tournament!
Now he’s got a rhino sleeping on top of him. Oops.
Agreed, but let’s not forget to blame the real culprits. The voters. I personally know people who vote on one issue: guns. Allow me to note for the kajillionth time that the Second Amendment was absolutely, positively not intended to ensure gun rights for private individuals.
But, given the lay of the land, there’s…
Of course, if we found out Clinton’s team was in cahoots with the Russians, everyone would be cool with it.
People freaked out when Craig was cast because he’s — GASP! — blonde. The wingnuts will lose their mfing minds if Elba is cast. Bond is white. It’s right there in the Bible. I think Craig is ok in the role but the movies are bloody awful.
I love Brian Regan on this topic.
Yep. The head of the Environmental Protection Agency is waging war on the environment. His zealotry is downright disturbing. It’s as if he wants to do as much damage as he can as fast as he can.
Yep. Such an easy cop out, isn’t it? I didn’t plan to fuck your wife. It was God’s will.
Imagine the reaction if President Hillary Clinton had let her daughter Chelsea have her seat.
Nick Young is a good pickup for the Warriors.
I think cutting weight is low on McGregor’s list of reasons.
Dear Robert,
Please pound Michael Bisping into hamburger and make him go away forever.
Every UFC fan
I don’t know, I saw that one coming a mile away. Every Horowitz meeting ends with groping. And starts. Actually, every meeting is an orgy.
He had a dream that one day sports writers would stop writing so people could hear them talk. What a visionary. Who wants to read Zach Lowe when they can listen to words coming out of Stephen A’s word hole? Or Stewart Mandel over Skip Bayless?