
I am baffled by this switch to video, and not thrilled that it will mean even more knuckleheads watching with no headphones on trains and in coffee shops. When I watch sports, I mute the TV because I don’t care what the announcers want to say. I certainly have no desire to hear sportswriters speak. Now “the thing” is

Hmm. If there’s no Game of Thrones or Fargo, I might just have to try to get into heaven.

But to do that, they’d need to get a camera into space, which means they’d need to overcome gravity, which doesn’t exist.

We’ve reached an odd point in human history where people think they’re entitled to their opinion on anything. People way smarter than proved the Earth was spherical hundreds of years ago. I don’t

Sadly, this reads like actual comments I’ve read. I just stumbled across this today. We are witnessing the devolution of man.

Trump: “I call him bitch.”
Putin: “No, we need a new name. That’s my name for you.”

The Nazis aren’t Hillary, so they’re just fine with it.

He’ll go there so he can gloat about Jon Ossoff.

“Fuck you.”
— every 13 y.o.

Pruitt is the worst of the Swamp Monsters. Much of what the Trump Cabal is doing can be undone over time, but the damage that he (and Zinke) are doing may be irreversible. When he became AG of Oklahoma, he immediately disbanded the state’s EPA. On his watch, the number of earthquakes went from less than two per year

We have a rabid segregationist who was named after the president of the Confederacy and one of its generals in charge of Justice, so yeah.

I think Trump avoided the Warsaw Ghetto because he was afraid it was full of poor black people.

I think you can say that any Bannon appointee for any position is a fundamentally damaged human being specifically hired to burn the place to the ground.

With notes of Bill Cartwright.

I fully expect Magic to be as successful at being a GM as he was as a coach and late night talk show host.

That’s a great teaching moment from dad: If at first you don’t succeed, quit.

Will that be a problem in the NBA? Heh. Curry releases his shot in a fraction of a second. Lonzo releases his in a fraction of a minute. Same thing, right?

In this similitude Lavar would be Dr Evil. Perfect. I’m marketing my sons as a unit. I call it the Three Ball Package. <pinky finger to mouth>

Bisping is one of the last dinosaurs still standing and the embodiment of everything naysayers hate about MMA. He can take and deliver a punch, and that’s the extent of his skills. Like other trash talkers, he’s not colorful, he’s not a showman, he’s not a heel, he’s just an asshole. I’ve seen him do studio commentary

Now why would a cartoonishly muscled athlete get gassed so fast... Hmm... If only there were an obvious and well-documented phenomenon that would explain it.

Only the assholes get puff pieces. The genuinely talented and entertaining fighters? Fuck ‘em.