
I love watching a world-class athlete fall prey to a move you’d use on your little brother in the backyard.

40 y.o. men aren’t built like that. 25 y.o. men aren’t built like that. The glorious Steroid Era of baseball taught us that if a guy looks like he’s on ‘roids, he is. Sports in general has taught us that if something appears too good to be true (cough Aaron Judge cough) it is.

That said, I would love to see Romero

I am disappointed because I thought we had reached the point where we could stop paying attention to her.

I’m torn as to which Foghorn Leghorn quote to use here.

I just love it when someone — a website or, oh, the federal government — tells me what I can and can’t do in the privacy of my own home. I don’t like chevron rugs / abortion / gay marriage so you shouldn’t either! Lighten up, Francis.

It’s infuriating to me that the supposedly LIBRUL RAGS are still tiptoeing around the idea of Russian hacking. The only person immune from Trump’s viciousness is Putin, and it’s embarrassing to see his puppy dog devotion. I’ve said before the entire Kim Jong Trump cabal should wear matching pink tshirts which say I’M

Yes, but knowing that things are worse overseas doesn’t lessen the horror of what’s going on in the US now. The forced birth movement is trying to enact laws which would lead to situations like this in the US. I live in Cambodia, which has been ruled by a homicidal strongman for over three decades. National elections

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is taking notes.

Sigh. Probably. “Cooking Between Tweets With John Legend’s Wife”.

Glad you got the space bar fixed. Did you miss the part where I noted that it was playing in the coffee shop while I was having my lunch? I live in Cambodia. I am literally on the other side of the world and yet I hear his crappy music every day. He is unignorable.

Wow, I consider myself a South Park nerd, but I totally missed that reference. Well played. I said he dresses like Cartman. But I still think it would be great to put together a CD of Drake butchering rock songs with demanding vocals.

Yes, but he won five rings single-handedly. Does that count for nothing in the business world?

It’s ok for judges to be swayed by crowd noise for a huge underdog fighting in his home country? And expending a lot of punches without landing many is good? Are we talking about the same sport? Why not give points for the coolest trunks?

Heh. I like this. “Which song would you least like to hear Drake, um, sing?”


QED. Singing for people who can’t sing.

I read Pence’s proclamation and couldn’t help but think of this quote from 1984:

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

Not just humans. Martians, too! Pence is just upset he won’t be here in 500 years to proclaim that Martian climate change is a myth and is definitely

Maybe I should have picked another film, or perhaps my wording was a bit imprecise. That film would have been unbearable without Waltz. He’s perhaps the only person on earth who can make Tarantino dialog sound natural. In four languages! Meanwhile, Brad Pitt seemed like he was auditioning for Sling Blade 2. How about:

Sings about as well, too.

Now we just need to convince the millions of people who inexplicably listen to him that he sucks... but that would mean we’d hear even more Ed Sheeran. Sigh.