
My thoughts exactly. He overpaid Tristan Thompson, who on most nights is a warm body to park under the basket, because of LeBron. He pays an empty suit $7 million to coach (wink, wink). Then again, the past three years have shown him that if he has LeBron and <insert the names of four random players here> they can

Imagine your co-workers admitting publicly that you are completely unprepared for the biggest meeting of your life because you are bone-dumb, illiterate, ignorant and lazy. Now imagine that you’re the President of the United States and your coworkers are admitting this to the entire world. As an American, I am

Last year during the campaign I said it was pretty simple. Who do you want sitting across the table from Vladimir Putin? I pictured Trump bragging about how he tricked Russia into taking Alaska back.

He couldn’t find a limo the size of a grain silo that was parked right in front of him, so I’m guessing reading Post It notes about our most formidable enemy is probably not going to make him an expert on Russia.

He will bring intelligent women to intimidate him.

I remain confused as to why Drake is A Thing. He sounds like he’s deaf when he, um, sings and he dresses like Eric Cartman.

“I took below-market money so you could attract free agents, and you used it to sign the worst player in the NBA?”

I’m sure thousands of Nick Young jerseys have been sold. I’m sure all of them have been sold to Nick Young.

This is baffling. Are the Dubs going for “degree of difficulty” points here? There is no basketball reason to sign Nick Young. He is an objectively terrible basketball player. Even Austin Rivers thinks, “Why the hell is he still in the league?”

Why wouldn’t Young also chill out for the chance to win a title?

Part of the fun of watching him is that he seems to be out there just to have fun. I would be curious to see what would happen if he actually tried to win.

He is must-see tennis, especially in this age of Tall Men with Big Serves and baseline rallies. He’s a blast to watch. Giri nails it here. He seems to be more interested in creativity than winning. I wonder what he could do if he actually tried to win.

It was nice of him to show up this year just long enough to pick up his paycheck.

Heh. You beat me to it. “I just don’t know what the problem is, coach. Every pitch is 12 inches off the right side of the plate...” This plot makes it look like the shortstop was pitching.

For Betances, this is outside the outside the box thinking.

It sounds good on paper

No, it sounds pretty fucking barbaric on paper (and it doesn’t “sound” on paper, it “looks” on paper).

I live overseas and I am eternally jealous of the backpackers on gap year from more enlightened places. I graduated high school in June and started college in August. Young people in Europe,

In this golden age of television, it’s baffling to me that a show starring Backpfeifengesichter Alex O’Loughlin and Scott Caan even made it onto TV.

I think W was dumb enough to believe Iraq was about freedom and democracy but Cheney is smart enough to know better. He was in it for the money. Look at the Middle East now. He did that. On purpose. He is evil, in the strictest sense of the world. When he dies, Satan is going to give him the keys to Hell and retire. I’

Trump wants to increase military spending by $54 billion to “rebuild the depleted military”. Russia’s entire defense budget is about $68 billion. The WSJ, which used to be an actual newspaper, ran a column by Dick Cheney*, in which he claims Obama “depleted” the military. The Trump budget would “only” increase

The loss of Hayward hurts, but I think it was generally expected because of Brad Stevens. But when a player ditches you for Sacramento... yeesh.

It’s Wednesday. Thanks for the timely post. Hey, how are the NBA Finals going?