
Fun fact: If you drop the first syllable, as Billy Haisley did, his name becomes ‘Ly ‘Ley. Let’s make this A Thing.

I hate the Celtics and even I found ‘Tics offensive.

synonym: “preserving heritage”

I’m guessing these guys aren’t big readers, and they were rooting for Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds.

I would imagine there’s a lot of crossover... It’s all about HURRTAGE.

No one besides Matt’s family and re-enacting friends knows about his hobby

Much like writing health care legislation, if you have to do it in secret, you know it’s wrong. It’s not that they don’t understand. The problem is they do.

But... but... he’s the “it” guy. He’s mercurial! He’s passionate! He bucks tradition! He’s... a wildly overrated asshole who’s never won anything (and likely never will).

Only the NIV uses the word “miscarriage”, which is probably a deliberate mistranslation. The passage does not mention birth or pregnancy. Other versions use “rot” or “waste away”. If she has been unfaithful, she will be unable to conceive, which is a huge difference in meaning. Even if you’re willing to believe that

Actually it’s more like “We’ll take out your heart and then the DISHONEST MEDIA continues to lie about Russia! Fake news! Oh, and we just bombed North Korea.”

They’re just GLOREE PLANTS who want to see their names on the internet.

There are no reported deaths from broccoli because no one has eaten a portion big enough to be fatal.

I can’t believe they left out mushrooms on a list of deadly plants. Where are the snakes? And the jellyfish. Fugu!

Yes. In the past 10 minutes I learned how to write in complete sentences, upgraded my vocabulary, became aware of countries outside the US and decided to criticize the city that made me famous. You figured this out from one comment? You’re, like, a smart person. Did your uncle teach at MIT?

How did this become A Thing? I’m not a doctor, but I could have told you this was not, like a smart thing.


This council is superfluous. Kim Jong Trump has expressed that women and girls are to be grabbed by the pussy. Thus endeth the debate. Dare we question Big Brother.

This just in: We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

He’s not one of the best. I could name a dozen better off the top of my head. The reason he is undefeated, however, is that he is indisputably the greatest defensive fighter of all time. He’s impossible to hit. This will present a challenge for a guy looks like the Notre Dame mascot and has no jab and no defense.

I’ve never paid for a Mayweather fight and I don’t know anyone who has. I’ve read that this fight could make a billion dollars and I wondered who on earth would pay to watch this circus side show.

Tyson made his name beating a series of tomato cans but never beat a real fighter. Watch the Tillis fight. He lost. Tyson is one of the top ten most overrated professional athletes of all time.