
You don’t need to be a New Yorker to understand this. As I’ve noted in other posts, the narratives on Trump and Clinton were poured in stone decades ago. The media selects the, um, facts to fit the narrative, rather than building a story around the facts. The LIBRUL RAGS are still struggling with how to reconcile his

As I said, it really nails (pun intended) the spirit of the faux Christians. I love this meme. It’s a bit off topic, but still applicable. Jesus’s message was so simple. How do the Bible thumpers fuck it up so badly?

Exactly. Welcome to the world, kid! Now fuck off. I think if you made a Venn diagram of those who oppose abortion and those who assistance for single mothers, it would form a perfect circle.

I’m willing to do my part. I’m pretty busy, but I can free up two minutes. (Cue “Business Time”)

The Trumpanzees want to blame the LIBRUL RAGS, Obama, Clinton, Soros, gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims... but it’s been Goldstein all along.

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

Or his brother’s genes. The “MIT professor” chromosome wasn’t evenly distributed down the Drumpf family tree.

This is a handy meme. I can use this for literally every news story.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m standing right here. Leave me out of this.”
— God

There’s porn on the internet? No. Way.

I’ve been arguing that instead of pro-life we should be saying pro-birth, but forced birth is so much better. I haven’t seen this usage, but it really gets to the cruelty and hypocrisy of these mouthbreathers. Fun fact: The Bible says absolutely nothing about abortion!

This is not about politics, ideology, class, economics, race, education, HURRTAGE, or any of the other demographic indicators the punditocracy is throwing around. It’s time we admit these are fundamentally damaged people. If you celebrate the misfortune of your fellow citizens with malicious glee, there is something

Allow me to reiterate for the umpteenth time that the Second Amendment was not intended to ensure the right of private citizens to own guns, and certainly not for rednecks with small dicks to sashay around in full military kit and scary the living bejesus out of brown people.

Every day, and increasingly often, I pause

I’m not heartened by the fact that we were able to clean up the environment over the last half century. I would prefer not to have to go through the whole process again, and it’s not possible, given the accelerating degradation of the environment. I was just reading about how the coral reefs in the Florida Keys are dyi

The best-case scenario is that there is a push back in the midterm elections, and the madness of Kim Jong Trump inspires Americans to become more politically active. However, I see nothing resembling a national strategy or coherent platform on the Left. They’re continuing to eat their own, the way they always have.

Tru dat. It’s official, then. There is nothing even mildly complimentary to say about him.

Obviously this story is apocryphal. A true Kansan would criticize the porcupines for fornicating in the open, when it should be done in a dark room, fully clothed, and as quickly as possible before curling into the fetal position and sobbing yourself to sleep.

Trump enabled the Sunni states to ostracize Qatar for supposedly supporting terrorism, and yet Qatar is not part of the Muslim Ban. I guess he still has businesses there. It’s a bit pointless to block Syrians. I’m sure they’d love to visit the US, but they’re too busy being murdered by their own government with the

The only thing that can stop a woman of dying of maternity complications is a good man with a gun. It’s in the Bible.

As I’ve said before, why do all photos of Trump supporters look like cruel caricatures of Trump supporters? It’s hard to believe these are real people. This is the photo that comes with the shittiest frame in the store.