The daily shock and outrage is baffling. To paraphrase former NFL coach Dennis Green, he is who we thought he was. He is exactly the same person he was a year ago. If has a redeeming quality he has kept it well hidden for 70 years.
The daily shock and outrage is baffling. To paraphrase former NFL coach Dennis Green, he is who we thought he was. He is exactly the same person he was a year ago. If has a redeeming quality he has kept it well hidden for 70 years.
A great opportunity to show how this whole chase could have been avoided by simply following him with a police helicopter.
Meanwhile, the WSJ has an editorial slamming Obama by ... Karl Rove? Last week it was a column how the military was “depleted” under, well, you know. It was written by Dick Cheney. I’m old enough to remember when the WSJ was an actual newspaper. Respected around the world. The whole Bush Cabal should be hiding in…
The Derek Zoolander Desk for Guys Who Can’t Write Good and Wanna Do Other Stuff Good Too.
If only allowing these teens going through what can be the most trying periods of their lives some assistance from experienced professionals who could look out for their best interests wasn’t itself a violation of the NCAA’s insane rulebook.
You want the NCAA to act as parents? FFS, Deadspin, give it a rest.
Is it possible to distinguish between meats when they’re cooked well-done and slathered in ketchup? No? Well, then, I think we can consider this an open issue. I lived in Vietnam, the country where it’s trendy to drink powdered rhino horn mixed in wine. They’re hunting the majestic beasts to extinction because men…
“I am fully aware of the disgrace I brought to the game.”
The game is doing just fine. You, however....
Brilliant. How ‘bout ‘dem Hoosiers, eh?
What Pruitt and Zinke are doing isn’t politics or ideology or even greed, it’s simply evil, in the strictest sense of the word. As I’ve said in other comments, much of what the Trump Cabal is doing can be undone over time, but the damage Pruitt and Zinke are doing can not be undone. You can’t unpollute a lake or…
I’m so torn. I’m an Edgar Wright fan and am positively salivating to see what he can do with a car chase. On the other hand, what in the name of all things holy was he thinking when he cast this backpfeifengesicht?
I thought you were, like, a smart person if you didn’t pay taxes. Now who said that... Internet tax. Heh.
This is news to Jackson. He’s been done with the Knicks for years.
That was his role on every team he played with. It would be like hiring a chef who doesn’t know how to use a knife.
‘Member when Thibs turned the Bulls into a perennial contender, then the players ran him out of town because he was such a meanie? Heh. Now Thibs is coaching Jimmy Butler and the Bulls couldn’t beat LeBron and four poodles.
I don’t care enough to dive into the links but this roundup makes him sound like a little league coach.
So the players in this deal wouldn’t count as “considerations”, then?
This, on the other hand, is the Jimmy Butler trade.
Too soon, man. Have some respect for imaginary dead people.
Actually, the nerdy stat nerds say yes. If you’re in a huge jam in the fifth, bring in your best reliever. The current thinking (which will change tomorrow, of course) is to bring in your best pitcher when you need him most. Andrew Miller is the best reliever in baseball, but doesn’t have a single save. Buck Showalter…