
He doesn’t care. Look at the smirk on his face.

I wonder if the ads said anything like, “Perfectly cooked to Donald Trump’s personal specifications. Steaks so big, you can use the leftovers to scrape barnacles from your yacht!”

Will Trump be offended or happy for his friend when Time gives the Person of the Year cover to Frederick Douglass?

Sam Kinison was the funniest man in the world for about a year, before he went off the rails. He did a bit about how Reagan seemed like a doddering old fool, but behind closed doors he would show his true self and say to Nancy, “Take off that dress and dance for me, you bitch!” Trump is basically that with the door

I’ve been saying this since the day he won, and it’s gotten exponentially worse. America will continue as a geopolitical entity will continue, but the IDEA of America is dead. Trump turned on the light so we could see the cockroaches, and it turns out about one-third of MURCANS are cockroaches.

No, I can not imagine Obama doing this. He wouldn’t interrupt a call with a world leader, and he certainly wouldn’t do it to sexually harass a member of the foreign press. Dear God, I can’t believe we’re even having the conversations we’re having these days...

There is not a single even mildly complimentary thing I could say about him. Um, he hasn’t murdered anyone this morning, as far as I know....?

The 200 words in his vocabulary spin around inside his cranial cavity and randomly coalesce into strings which emanate from his word hole. You can trust this theory, because I have an uncle who taught at the local community college.

This is a national embarrassment. Actually, it’s national embarrassment number 17,456. As I mentioned in another comment, this incident would haunt a normal politician for months. For the Toddler-in-Chief, it will be old news before sundown.

As others have noted, Kim Jong Trump probably has no idea who the guy is. He probably thinks he’s talking to the guy on the Lucky Charms box. What’s more, not only is he gay, he’s Indian and the son of an Indian immigrant. Surely he wouldn’t made the call if he knew any of this.

Absolutely. In other comments I’ve mentioned O’Brien’s “The object of power is power” speech, Smith’s job rewriting history to reflect the currently accepted reality, the shifting definition of who is friend or enemy, and so on. Under the current regime truth, reason, humanity and history have no meaning. All that

Sorry, but I must disagree with these results. You want to hate Kim Jong Trump? Get in line. I yield to no country in my loathing for him, his spawn and his treasonous cabal.

I dunno... Using the Starbucks Maneuver, they’ll use this an excuse to buy more foreign goods so they can write TRUMP ROOLS on them in magic marker, or something.

I’m surprised he didn’t ask her to come sit in daddy’s lap.

Dick Cheney can’t die. God said “Let there be light” because Cheney he heard Cheney cackling in the dark. When the universe implodes, Cheney will still be around, and somehow profiting off of it.

I’m shocked he even spoke to the man. Leo Varadkar is the gay son of an Indian immigrant. Not exactly in Kim Jong Trump’s wheelhouse. 

On a completely different note, I covered an Irish black tie dinner when I was a cub reporter in Washington. The Taoiseach at the time was supposedly the guest of honor, but I got to

Poor white trash with money is rich white trash. The guy eats well done steak with ketchup, for chrissakes. It’s a miracle he didn’t grab her by the pussy. He’s famous, you know. You can do that when you’re famous. This is the sort of incident which should dog a politician for months, but with Kim Jong Trump it will

I generally don’t comment on a person’s appearance but I make allowances for people who are the walking embodiment of evil. She’s got a Frankenstein thing going on. It looks like her face was assembled by half of two different faces and supergluing them together.

That reminds me of one of my favorite jokes:
Q: Why does it take longer for a woman to climax than a man?
A: (thinking)
Q: Who cares?

I am quite sure McConnell is unaware women are incapable of such filthy acts. He climbs on and two minutes climbs off and dozes off to the sound of her muffled sobs.