If Kim Jong Trump can find Syria on a world map I will saw off a limb. You can even circle the Middle East in pink highlighter to help him.
If Kim Jong Trump can find Syria on a world map I will saw off a limb. You can even circle the Middle East in pink highlighter to help him.
Without the Reagan fetish she’d just be another hopelessly out of touch pundit who should have been put out to pasture centuries ago, but the Reagan thing is just plain creepy.
There’s no way Trump wrote those quotes, because they resemble a coherent thought. This is someone trying to write in Trump’s voice. Trump using “scare quotes”? No way.
I think it’s safe to assume that anyone the Kim Jong Trump cabal nominates for any position is by definition the worst person for the job.
If he calls Wray “a man of impeccable credentials,”
Trump didn’t say this about Wray. Whoever wrote the tweet did. As I wrote when this tweet originally was published, if Trump can spell “impeccable” or “credentials” or give a ballpark definition of either, I will eat this laptop. All Trump cares about is that Wray is…
“Seems,” madam? Nay, it is; I know not “seems.”
She and Peggy Noonan’s dessicated corpse like to argue about which one is more willfully ignorant and hopelessly out of touch. Because nothing says “I know America” like sitting at a desk in a NYC office tower for 117 years.
If you want to see that, check out his cameo at the end of Psycho.
He is the Joker. He just wants to watch the world burn. He is evil, in the strictest biblical/moral/ethical sense of the word. He takes pleasure in the pain of others. When historians pick through the wreckage of what was the United States, Ol’ Mitch will figure prominently. He bears more responsibility for the…
I read Catch-22 when I was young and thought it was just the same joke repeated for 500 pages. Maybe I’ll give it another look. On the other hand, I read Moby-Dick when I was young and thought it was the worst thing I’d ever read. But it is The Great American Novel, so a few years ago I gave it another go and was…
Heh. Funny you should mention Superman. I had one of the comic book fanboys lay into me in a comment thread because I blamed the failure of the new Superman movies on Nolan and Goyer and not Zach Snyder. I know, I know — I’m awful. I think the studio looked at the success of the wildly overrated Batman trilogy and…
Just one last comment before I bid you adieu. I didn’t say “Christianity lifted stuff from Egypt”. I choose my words carefully. I said one particular image was lifted, and I stand by that. I’m done here. Godspeed.
It appears you’re not doing a very good job then. Pro tip: Calling people assholes and telling them to fuck off is not the best debate strategy.
Here to help.
It’s LeBron. It’s always LeBron. If you give it to anyone else you’re overthinking it.
If the voting would have happened two months later he wouldn’t have won. If you give it to anyone other than LeBron you’re being contrary for the sake of being contrary.
(Disclaimer: I’m from Baltimore and I live overseas. No dog in the hunt.)
Kicking out of a 1-on-5 iso doesn’t require any skill.
I am baffled that anyone would watch this shit for free. I’m more concerned at how much coverage these freak shows get on what is ostensibly a sports website. Deadspin is being taken over by video games and nonsense like this. I come here because I enjoy the comments section, but soon there won’t be any stories worth…
But the mindset of Cosby supporters is the same as the mindset of Trump supporters, and both are in the news, so it is a natural and glaringly obvious comparison to make. They are both dirty old men who abuse their celebrity and are worshiped by brain-dead zealots whose devotion only increases with each sordid…