
Thanks for going to the trouble of writing you further paragraphs and providing references. I will also give these their rightful consideration.

Thanks for that. I'll give your input the consideration it merits.

Word. I wanted it to be much more clear cut. But I was also relieved that it wasn't just a straight up cheating on Emmett storyline, because that would have been tedious. (Not that I'm high fiving the writers on livening up what would otherwise have been a big (yet banal) relationship-imploding cheating storyline with

And even if she was not too drunk to put up resistance, compared to Tank she is freaking tiny. If someone bigger than you is doing something to you and they don't seem to care if you're into it, is it not possible that the size differential is an implied violence?

Totally - I honestly think Tank knew he was getting lucky, in the sense that it was only happening because Bay was super drunk and that he knew it was probably his only chance to get in there.