Is there any word on when the Steam version will be available? I know one of the dev streams threw up a steam related error so i know there IS a steam version...
Is there any word on when the Steam version will be available? I know one of the dev streams threw up a steam related error so i know there IS a steam version...
miniatures were nice in tabletop RPG’s but not required. Even then, i only used them when i had some complex battle planned.
well...keep in mind this is very minor splashing. If i were using a wider pot it would not be an issue at all, but i was using a small saucepan so the splashing went outside the pot.
well...keep in mind this is very minor splashing. If i were using a wider pot it would not be an issue at all, but i…
...thaaat first one is kinda dumb. I verbal language works. you make sounds—many of which are similar and you use your lips/tongue/mounth to differentiate between them. In some cases there are overlaps based on regional pronounciation. Spanish is the perfect example with its lisp thing from spain or…
quote of the day:
not sure what the flaw is...i was using a super tiny pot, lol so that was just me. the balls just helped.
not sure what the flaw is...i was using a super tiny pot, lol so that was just me. the balls just helped.
it was a full rack. I actually seasoned them, vacuumed them, then bent it into a U shape and put them in the freezer lol That way it fit in my sous vide container better.
it was a full rack. I actually seasoned them, vacuumed them, then bent it into a U shape and put them in the freezer…
exactly! they are awesome. recently did a 48 hours rack of ribs and the balls kept most everything in.
exactly! they are awesome. recently did a 48 hours rack of ribs and the balls kept most everything in.
meh to each his own. i prefer them over any lid i have tried. I also recently found a nice use for them as well
meh to each his own. i prefer them over any lid i have tried. I also recently found a nice use for them as well
OK the live action trailer was one of the most cringeworthy things i’ve seen, but the gameplay trailer looks freaking awesome.
yeah it reeeeeally doesn’t look right—especially with the look on the kids face...
i’m not hip with the is “multi camera comedy” and how does it differ from just a regular single camera comedy?
my first thought?
you seen the recut episodes? give them a watch. feels good man.
my first thought too...since i sous vide’d my first steak last year, I just can’t fathom cooking a steak any other way now.
What in all of the fucks? well this completely threw me. Despite being well versed in all things Rule 34...I never actually equated that scene or any other in this game as “sexual” in any way. To me it just looked like he was killing/struggling with them. And the whole pyramid head being what...james angry penis?…
holy shit. it’s happened. i’ve read a journalistic review of a godamn fanfic—and a bad one at that.
no idea if it was the chefs intent...but all this talk of the Japanese view on shoes and none on the israeli/jewish take on shoes seems a bit lopsided.