
did they verify if the “researchers” were selfie takers? cause that...explains a lot.

i feel like this should be played on a multi-level, clear acrylic board like 3D chess from Star Trek, in order to account for the 3 dimensional nature of space combat.

lol this goes perfectly with me watching Glow right now...he’s Kuntar!

...why does there HAVE to be a woman?

in regard to the injured guy—this situation is just a product of the world we live in.

how do you keep the water out of your beer though? do you use a lid? oh you have a detachable shower head don’t you. makes sense.

the only reason i have a 4k tv is cause it was a good price last black friday/cyber monday.

i have never wanted to slap-a-bitch more than i have after seeing that animated gif.


Women in general don’t play games. This is a fact.

is this gonna be like Arkham Knight’s batmobile hits? Hitting a guy at 150 mph will kill—-i don’t care if he is “shocked” first....


reeeeealy wish they would give a discount to people who already own the game.... 60 more bucks is a bit steep...VR or not.

thats....a very impractical mask. How can they even see?!

screw that noise. replace Ellie with Joel and joel with that giraffe up there and we got a deal.

the far cry games are quickly becoming the biggest “lather, rinse and repeat” games ever. each one since 3 has been EXACTLY the same thing. sure they may add one new mechanic (wingsuit! helicopters! animal pals!) but they are all teh EXACT same games.

are you fucking kidding me?! do these same kids also think that zombies and skeletons come to life at night since thats also what happens in minecraft?

anyone confirm this is legit? It’s not on the windows store (literally the first time i have opened windows store btw)

cinnamon bagels are the best for french “toast”