Elijah's Kat

Just when you think this show can't destroy their main "heroine" any further, here we are. Never mind the fact that they have to completely alter Elena Gilbert's beliefs and values to make her fall in love with a man who once murdered her brother in front of her very eyes (The same brother that she turned her

Or how about the fact that the man she can't seem to cope without has threatened to killed him several times, one of them quite recently. This show is a barrel of laughs.

Let's not compare LOST to the mediocrity that is TVD :)

Alaric stopped appealing to me as a character when they brought him back last season for the sole purpose of being a delena cheerleader. I get that he and Damon were friends, but that was another character regression. Alaric still wanted Damon to back off Elena when they were friends. But Elena and Jeremy's

I don't understand this show AT ALL. I adored this show two years ago. But now I am beyond confused and it has nothing to do with complicated plots or weird traveler storylines. I can just "go with it" when it comes to those. But the way these writers are treating their characters is beyond baffling. Elena

I wouldn't doubt it if Evelyn knows about him already. He had a look of suspicion after Pamuk died and he came to Mary at the end of Season 1 telling her about the letter Edith wrote to the embassy. He mostly wanted to tell her about the letter and to assure her he wasn't spreading the rumors, but that doesn't mean

I kind of understand the whole thrill of the chase thing going on with Mary and those two very forward men. And maybe that's why they like her coldness, it's exciting I suppose. But if you notice, her demeanor with Evelyn Napier is quite different. There's not too much thrilling excitement there, but she is so much

Let's never compare the helpless Bella Swan to Lady Mary ever again please. Mary is one of the best female characters on TV. Yes she can be cold at times, but it's better than those lame heroines that give into the men who keep guilt tripping them into dating them. I understand the want for Mary to do other things

Maybe Napier will finally snap after being such a push over for almost a decade.

Elena has become so ridiculous. She was my favorite and since she turned, as you have noticed, she has become a shadow. She's just there. And I really feel nothing for her and hardly care about what happens to her. It sucks to be so confused and bored by the main character. Not only that but she is supposed to be

Your point about Elena's "change" not being very clear is spot on. That was my main issue with season 4, and now season 5. In my eyes the only thing that changed about Elena was her choice in Salvatore, and I feel this "change" idea was just thrown around to make their main character not seem like a wishy washy

Paul Wesley's performance in this episode was delightful. He was fun, but still edgy, I mean let's not forget that Stefan may not have his memories but there must be a part of him that feels the repercussions of drowning over and over for months. And the scene when he is with Jesse is so well done. "What is the