
Donald Trump worked hard for his fortune and built it from the ground up. And he means well. I mean, what’s wrong with increasing the security thus meaning more safety for the American people and lowering taxes? And it disgusts me that this person is hating on ivanka because she used some incorrect Grammer. You people

Your absolutely right! Because we totally hacked into the voting machines and rigged it so that Republicans got the majority vote! News flash, we didn’t. Stop complaining Trump is president and start focusing on how Hillary lied to all of our face on national television, destroyed over 30 blackberry phones in a day,

Fox is a less biased news source than cnn who name I remind you is literally Clinton news Network. And we don’t hate democracy, we love it. At least we didn’t parade around dc breaking into stores because we lost. We did t give coloring books to studebts in college. Grow up and get the news from a real Network.