Elihu Aran

Here's a screenshot of an alpha build:


Actually, with the New experience share system, I'm having a harder time than ever balancing the Level differences out. In Y, my blaziken is 6-7 Levels higher than my tyrunt. He's also a higher Level than my froakie, but he still gains Levels faster, just by getting exp. from exp. share. (Both are, so they should gain

Rewards certificates work towards it, too—just paid $35 for the year. b(^_^)

Here! I made it playable/broken! I hope it's not too tiny.

Oh, and I also fixed up the flavor text. And spent way too long on the custom set symbol.

EDIT: Changed the casting cost. Previous one was a mistake.

The nerd in me is freaking way out that this card does not have playable attributes. The flavor text needs to be in italics! No! Noooooo this is all wrong! Noooooooooo!

I hope you're beary prebeared for this unbearable bear of a battle!

In the everything department. In the "this is a product commercial, it's poorly animated, shot even worse, sloppy, it's like the thing was made for four dollars total while Nike guys had dollar signs in their eyes, not entertaining on any level" department.

I wouldn't necessarily call it's story that of [insert Citizen Kane-equivalent movie]'s level, but from what I remember, the character's weren't annoying, and it had nice effects. So... I guess you could say it has B-movie charm, but not that sort've thick slather you'd get from some other stuff. (I enjoyed it at

1.- You are a fetus

You left the Physical/Special split in moves (and the split of the Special stat). Recapping:

As someone who recently got the blu-ray as a gift: DOES NOT HOLD UP. DO NOT BUY AND RUIN CHILDHOOD.

I haven't seen it. It has a 72% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes, so make of that what you will.

My opinion: it was a B-movie that didn't take itself seriously and didn't try to be any kind of award winner. Thus, it was perfectly enjoyable

Space Jam (Remastered) [Blu-ray] ($8) | Best Buy

I played a friend's copy of Blue back in the day, then a different friend gave me his old gameboy when he got a gameboy color. I played Silver on the old gameboy... then someone broke into our car and stole all my gameboy stuff and I haven't played pokemon since.

Does it explain the 'new' mechanics for someone who hasn't played a pokemon game in probably 15 years?

For example - Magic: The Gathering introduces new mechanics. If they stay around for a few cycles, the text explaining that mechanic gets removed - leaving just the name of the mechanic on the card. If you haven't

It wasn't my quote.

It makes me very happy to see some love for this game. :)

Also, the official patch is not the latest one used by the community, you can grab the current version here: http://tronfaq.blogspot.com/

You'll also be able to download just about every map and mod ever made from that site.