![The Next <em>Phoenix Wright</em> Will Hit The West This Fall [UPDATE]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/18nk6y4xtbl08jpg.jpg)
Ace Attorney 5 will get the ridiculous title Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies for the West, and it'll…
Ace Attorney 5 will get the ridiculous title Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies for the West, and it'll…
So I guess Diablo 3's economy is...going to hell!!
Jesus Christ, you can order a pizza from your Xbox 360?
Thou hast SLAYED me.
Link To The Past 2: Electric Boogaloo
Google Nose Beta on Google's homescreen is pretty funny.
Wait, why is the 8-bit Batman considered 'eh'? It's got that old-time, EGM fake Shenglong level of detail that you just don't see anymore.
Like most indie games, it's a fantastic idea, but generally bleh execution. What this needs is more money behind it and a solid team of devs and plot designers, and it could be a fantastic hacker thriller.
The same tactic was used for Eat Lead. The Konami code unlocked the Ultra hard mode, normally only unlocked after completing the game. Since the difficulties stacked, it meant only beating the game ones.