Elihu Aran

Casual reminder that there’s an wonderfully awful chocobo/camel hybrid in Assassin’s Creed Origins as a result of that game’s half of the AC:Or/FFXV crossover

But Zach, there is a Stranger Things on Switch, it’s the isometric beat’em-up based on Season 3 that was... fine?

Reimagining the entire interface means making 4 separate versions of the game, and doing multiple passes to make sure that none of them confuse the player into thinking they’re actually manipulating the actual game data, since that’s a real big no-no with Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. There’s a reason Undertale

Based solely on the cursor in the trailer, I had this thought too

I’m glad that they put the extra warnings! I really loved the game. My only real question is how they’re going to handle the ending on consoles, but I’ll find out in 6 days

I’m sure others have mentioned it too, but the Wii U is also the only place you can buy Metroid Prime Trilogy for a reasonable price

It’s a placeholder image for now, we will see one with a car as launch gets closer

Mr. Harada sir, maybe instead of challenging someone else to do another of their fighting games, maybe you should get around to working on Tekken x Street Fighter? You know, like you announced 11 years ago? Street Fighter already did their end of the crossover. Come on. Just do it. It’s easy.

Quick, nobody tell Zack about the time Assassin’s Creed Origins had a mission where Bayek witnesses FF15 Bahamut, gets Ultima Weapon, and also gets an abomination of a mount that’s a Chocobo/Camel cross

...eventually it learns that flames won’t kill it and won’t be afraid of it anymore

I won’t?

I’m fine with murdering sheep. They’re tasty. I’m not fine with looking up the skirt of an intersex woman for the sake of an achievement. I also wasn’t fine with looking up 2B’s skirt either in Automata, which is why I bought the achievement from the vendor.

This is the first and last time I’m going to argue with

Is there an trophy vendor in this one like there is in Automata so I don’t have to do this but still get the trophy? Because this trophy is a big ol’ yikes from me, dawg.

From how the narrative seems to be focusing on Crow, I’d be absolutely shocked if he doesn’t become the Hunter Vanguard. Heck, I’d even put money on him filling the role by the end of the season before Witch Queen. Like, Xivu Arath finally comes and does her Xivu Arath thing, we either kill her or stave her off, Crow

We’re also getting a water bottle Ghost Shell. Does it look dumb? Yes. Do I want both the bottle and the tennis ball Shells? Yes.

I’ll take boring over space racist any day of the week. I know Ashley stops being racist, but eh. I used Kaiden’s abilities way more than I ever used Ashley

Unfortunately, you need the DS4 or the Aim controller. It’s using the light to track your arm movements in VR

It only works with the DualShock 4 and the Aim controller. Unfortunately, the Move controllers aren’t compatible, something I found out when I tried to play it the first time.

I know this isn’t exactly the place for it, but my one gripe about the Total War series is that the Warhammer games aren’t called Total Warhammer.

Yes, I know I’m not alone.

Yes, I know this is a weird hill to die on, but it’s my hill to die on.

This is probably mostly because I never played CoD (didn’t appeal to me, please don’t fight me), but I always found calling the CoD secrets where you have to do things in an order to do something “Easter Eggs” a bit of a misnomer. I realize we didn’t have the name for it then, but they’re basically escape room