eli friedmann

First things first. That long intro with Stan’s face in closeup was a mini masterclass in acting. Not a word is spoken but it’s all there in his expression.

They talked about this on the pod today (and i saw a tweet or two from the creators about it as well).

Never seen her before this show...she nailed it. I’ve known a female artist or two over the years and this felt completely real to me. Lived in.

I think the tragedy of her character is that ultimately she’s NOT just a cold psychopath. That’s what we saw in the car with Jackson. She had reached her breaking point and could no longer kill.


I’m pretty sure this killing was of the mercy variety, unusual for her in that regard.


The irony is that by sparing him she could well have doomed herself...and her family. Catch 22.

There is not one touch to this show that is not on purpose. Everything has resonance and intentionality behind it.

the exact second she had her opening she pounced. not one wasted moment.

Yeah i read that earlier in the season.

She definitely left the door open for that. A thing she was obviously completely aware of.

This was THE pivotal ep for her.



My guess is that they redid the inside for the scene.

I guess i knew that Roy’s was a thing (they would never have used it otherwise considering their obsession with accuracy) but I honestly had no idea if it still existed now.

Yeah...the difference in his demeanor was jarring. Acting all cocky and then when she sees him with the box of documents later he is on a completely different wavelength.

I didn’t even know her name but yeah...she was great.

The medical plight of this woman was agonizingly detailed and felt extremely realistic.