eli friedmann

It was really something. She put on a little acting masterclass there without saying a word.

The Americans makes a visual fetish of every death.

Google is hard to access. Glad I could do the heavy lifting...ha!

I miss Atlanta already.

Naturally the fact that Elizabeth is trying to stop killing is only going to make the ending of the series that much more tragic. If she would have ended up the series as a cold psychopath like figure it would have been much less hard to watch.

Ok: that scene where Elizabeth *doesn’t* kill Jackson was some of the best acting on the show.

Aside: I think the references to the Exorcist were intentional.

Stan doing his thing at Roy Rogers is somehow perfect.

Elizabeth moving in on that kid is something to see.

The motif of art this season has been a complete coup. Absolutely brilliant. Whose ever idea it was to build that into the story: my hat is off.

I think it would be interesting to watch all the “phillip waiting for Elizabeth to come home” scenes.

Well that was the worst death scene of the entire series.

Aside: for someone who is thought of as this detail oriented filmmaker he is often extremely still and simple. Very graphic and “basic” in his frame.

To phillip this is clearly a real marriage.

And very symbolic for the couple in question.

Yeah agreed. I’ve followed the whole aspect ratio “thing” for years. It is a saga. I’ve watched “full negative” versions on the old DVDs, the cropped ones, etc.

The violence in Fargo often has this slick almost “fun” feel that the Americans never has. The violence on the Americans is nasty and grim. Nauseating at times.

True. Probably felt he was veering so close to the full truth as it was though.

It worked great.

Paige is emulating her mother’s coldness.