eli friedmann

It really was a suicide mission.
Even with Phillip there to help out...a couple inches error at multiple junctures and they all end up dead or in prison.

Both tv satire and casual jokes have lost their effectiveness in the foul and insane trump era.

I could see it.


That one was different because both participants were major characters and were both alive at the time.

She’s almost treating him like a mark.

The vibe was fantastic.

No question now.

Phillip was so obviously hiding something. The whole thing did not make any sense.

The spy plots turn out to be more of a background than anything else.


The Americans has always trafficked in blood.

There is no difference between joking and reality anymore.

It occurred to me that with this level of horror and gore that this show is no longer about “spying”, if it ever really was.

I had no idea how insane this mission was.

Either the documents are illegally obtained real documents...or it’s misinformation. Can’t be both.

Remembering the ceremonial “wedding” Phillip and Elizabeth had last season, and the reality of that connection, the darkness and depression of their “meeting again” now is striking. Elizabeth is not just “surprised”...she does not want him there, at least not at first, and it’s unclear if her slight warming is a

Following my chronological habit:

There’s still time for Duran Duran...tho the americans seems to go out of it’s way to pick only the perfect songs for the scenes...rather than the other way around.

And especially coming from her it has an extra layer of darkness.