eli friedmann

oh come on. it’s just the english language...listen to the track and it’s pretty obvious.

They have faces of stone when need be.

It seems like Phillip is taking one last desperate stab at pulling their family back together.

Just total disconnect. They are practically strangers. At least he’s got some connection with his dad, despite the obvious “missing information”.

I really don’t know.

The question is whether failure or just utter tragedy will be the primary vibe by the time this thing ends.

ok fair point. Awkward as hell either way.

It was funny but also extremely awkward in a realistic way.

Personally always had a great relationship with my folks but yeah I had some friends over the years with sketchy parental dynamics going on and this felt completely true to that.

Is it just me or was that phone call between Elizabeth and Henry so fucking sad? The disconnection there. Man, pretty dark stuff.

Art therapy for the psycho killer? She needs it.

And yeah that Tears for Fears track. Never heard it before. Creepy and despairing with that angular dissonant guitar chord in the middle. Very off kilter vibe.

Ok that was the most awkward thanksgiving toast I have ever seen. Phillip hosting an FBI agent extolling the virtues of Reagan.

In no way is the satire of the trump team circus anywhere close to the real thing.

Phillip yelling “FUCK!” actually startled me. Another definitive moment: when one parent loses their shit in public. Embarrassing and revealing.

Elizabeth trying her hand at a “Mrs. Robinson” scenario. Interesting coincidence after the Kimmy arc.

Small thing:

She has never looked more haggard. Or more brutally murderous.

In the entire series we have never seen Phillip and Elizabeth like this. Next level alienation. It raises the specter of outright destruction of the family from the inside out.

The ratings ship has sailed.