eli friedmann

She’s tough to read. She’s no idiot and knows what’s going on. But in the midst of battle she operates with clinical efficiency. Killing those who need killing and leaving those who don’t. The moment where she has seemed most in touch with the horror of her life is cleaning the gore and brains off her face in the

Leaving nothing to chance in the killing department.

Stan has a certain manner.

Yeah I basically agree. She is not just an unfeeling robot, but is also so disturbingly efficient and she is killing with more frequency than ever.

You could hear the gristle parting.

I’m watching the rest of the season through my fingers (figuratively), as you would a horror movie.

The reason Phillip is such a great character is that you can read the suffering on his face. It pulls the audience right into the horror of it all.

She operates with cold efficiency and logic. Brutal. She does not seem to enjoy the killings but she sure it good at them and does not hesitate. It is chilling to watch.

Going back to the early seasons even this show has always brought the violence home in a very personal visceral way. Elizabeth’s many victims....

Ok I was drifting a bit after last season but they pulled me back in.

Stan stopping by to see Phillip right after Elizabeth brutally killed his friends: quite disturbing.

The funniness of this is then undercut when she faces her father later on. Another great scene. Reality check. No fun.

Elizabeth is basically the monster in a horror movie at this point. A female terminator. It’s almost MORE horrifying that she’s still human enough to not kill the kid. The sickest part: you can see on her face that she is thinking about whether she “has” to do it or not. Calculated.

Totally. I was just going to write that. Phillip has these moments of almost sit com “blindsided dad”. Very funny.

Elizabeth is far gone. Phillip is half damned , and feels every bit of it, and Paige is a work in progress...

Yes, that could happen. Maybe the one death that could destroy Elizabeth, and see how destroyed *she* actually is.

I can see Henry standing at a graveside, utterly zoned out with shock, horror, and grief.

It is quite hellish. Nightmarish. Murder, cages, darkness. Like a literal nightmare, and yet Elizabeth is in her element (although she could have easily been killed in this scenario).

She is cold as ice. Really almost a killing machine.

Too many horrific consequences to contemplate. I can easily imagine the greatest tragedy for Phillip would be to survive, perhaps seeing his wife or daughter killed, raped, permanently separated from him, etc.