eli friedmann

Exactly my sentiments.

Yep and Yep.

The obsessive nature of the creator’s of the show definitely filters down into the entire rest of the team.

These guys think a LOT about every element of this show. It is damn impressive.

Forgot one scene: the last one.

Yeah...i didn’t mean literally. Yet.

This show is gonna be great on re-watch.

They definitely went all in on the music for this ep.


Ok...this really will be the last comment.

Go back and rewatch ignoring the dialog.

The music was almost too good.

Last comment before crashing out:

In typically tragic Americans style irony it is the compassionate decision that Elizabeth makes to tell Phillip to “stop” working as a spy...that now separates the two of them perhaps more than ever before. Quite sad, considering they were closer than they had ever been in their lives at the end of last season.

From the VERY first shot we are back in business. Song choice, editing, color palette, a masterfully elegant montage. On board 100%.

She’s now tweeting the lunatic alex jones far right conspiracy theory that the Parkland kids are Nazis.

(prepare for namedropping)

Just dropping a note to say the only reason I’m back on AV club is to shoot this shit about The Americans.

She’s now tweeting far right wing conspiracy theories about one of the Parkland AR-15 massacre survivors.

Now featured on “Drudge”: