eli friedmann


She’s a lunatic. There’s enough real ones, I don’t need to patronize the fictionalized version of one of them.

Sounds like Barr is really daring all the Trump haters out there to not watch her show.

This site is harder to navigate than ever.

incorrect. I do not say that.

16 women.

This is very cool.

As a guitar player I am pretty much floored with his work on Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie. Guy can rock a guitar, not in the “shred” sense as much as the architectural sense, somewhat like Jimmy Page.

Well his voice is harsh and whiny, even irritating that’s true. Not a great “singer” in the usual sense. Not my favorite.

C’mon Gish, Siamese Dream, and Mellon Collie?

Aside: When Goldblum does the Conan show it is invariably awkward and hilarious.

Corgan is very pure.

He’s an insufferable douche, conspiracy nut, megalomaniac, and trump fan.

I am 100% on board for this.

have you seen the latest news about a renewed effort to unseat Thomas?

People don’t mention this enough.

Rick Gates just bit it.

The most New York New York show around.


It’s a shame. Everyone was freaking out when the site changed over and it was a mess in terms of tech stuff but I thought it would get through with most of the original readership intact.