eli friedmann

I’m not a massive fan of the band in general but I definitely enjoyed this track in particular. The video is also some of the best “trippy” imagery I’ve seen in a while. Definitely has a vibe.

From my brief perusal it seems like some posts get nearly zero readership and others very substantial. Unclear if that’s from the cross-site platforming or whatever the f it’s called.

The site front page is almost unrecognizable. Harder to navigate as well.

vintage AVC zing!

I’ve been absent from AVC for a while.

Take a moment to witness the contrast between Kimmel tearfully and sincerely defending healthcare for Americans while his infant son recovers from heart surgery with the Stormy Segment.

That Son Lux track sounds nicely twisted. Compressors crunchy.

The cliche is that if you only get your news via twitter and self selected sources that you get a distortedly negative impression of your political enemies.

Keep on....keep on.

Boycott this bullshit.

I think the Lynch Dune will ultimately be cooler.

If recent events are any judge I would not be surprised if he tried to do it via a gigantic screen. A pre-taped monologue with awkward applause breaks.

it’s a pretty strange show i have to say....I’m currently in season 1, was predicting i might be done with it by the time the SOTU comes around.

I’ve heard this take but am not convinced.

He may well taunt them from the podium like he’s encouraging crowds to beat up people in the press, like at one of his rallies.

He’s had his best “reviews” while reading teleprompter.

Ryan is already de facto nauseating...the worst is when supposed “journalists” do it. that bugs me a bit.

We need to skip the “satire phase” and go right to the “everybody work to remove this guy from office” phase.

oh there’s gonna be some of that as well.