eli friedmann

I can already hear the “today was the day Trump truly became president” media takes.

Dear god.

It was pretty bad.

If 20% of the non voters ever decide to step up it will be a non issue.

All I can say to Mr. Wolff is:

no disagreement there. No chance he’s doing any “fun appearance stuff” during this period of time. I was thinking more big picture.

Non rhetorical question:

I preferred this to Handmaid’s Tale in the final analysis. That show was more sensational and over the top but this was overall a more subtle and well executed piece, especially the finale. Yeah...i spotted atwood briefly (at church I think). It was great to see Cronenberg in there, especially since he just lost his

I never gave all that much thought to what defined a person as “presidential” until this vile, petty, racist, egomaniacal, sociopathic scumbag made the scene. He has more clearly defined the term than any before him. Just take every single thing he does in every single circumstance and do the opposite. Presto:

Aside: think about how many fewer incidents like this we would see if there were more women in government. Sure, there ARE some female perps (and I am in no way diminishing the hurt endured by THEIR victims) but the numbers are not even CLOSE. The reality is that women are statistically less sexually predatory than

That movie only gets better and better. It was much hated in general but I thought it was brilliant. In light of all the sexual abuse in hollywood stuff that has come to light it seems even less exaggerated than before.

Franken apologized for the picture (it is indeed bad and makes me think less of him instantly) and disputed her account of the other offenses. He is obviously posing for the picture and does not appear to actually be touching her. Still bad.

Fuck. Sean. Hannity. Figuratively. Never literally.

Sounds terrible.

That. Was. Awesome.

slight paradox there perhaps. Not to excuse even MILD predation but it could perhaps be argued that the sickness (or whatever it is) that causes someone to compulsively jack off in front of unwilling women and the severe carelessness which lead to people dying...I don’t know who is the 100% certified “worse person”. I

It’s a weird thing to consider. What degree of carelessness is “forgivable” if two people die vs what degree of predation when x number of people are hurt but do not die. I’m not saying I have an answer (and clearly he did not mean to hurt anyone on purpose)...only that those people are gone forever and it IS his

I think too much great art has been made by too many flawed people (and just imagine all the stuff we don’t even know about) to wall it all off. I do agree it makes you FEEL differently about the art if you first got to like it BEFORE you found out that so and so was a “bad person”, etc.

Random aside: didn’t Matthew Broderick actually kill 2 people with his car back in the day? The past is a weird beast.

I think at every juncture there is a good or bad option. So after doing bad stuff you reach another juncture to either make it worse or try to improve things. Louis chose option B (whether out of self interest, altruism or a combination of the two, which is usually how it is with humans). So I’m glad he fessed up. At