eli friedmann

Aside: kinda disappointed in Conan for having Mel Gibson on this week.

The quick admission of guilt immediately after the times story IS good for the victims. No question about it. Granted it would have been 10x as admirable for Louis to come clean without there being a story in the NYT but still: this is good for the victims, and it was the right thing for him to do at this point, no

I’ve been listening to Brooke Gladstone on my local NPR affiliate for years. She is cool in my book. Classic NYC.

I’m definitely a fan. Not a superfan who has watched all his stuff but definitely a fan. Good stand up, good tv shows, and horace + pete was astounding. Flawed (even bad) people do great work. It’s a thing that happens. That said, if David Cronenberg is outed as a predator I will be extremely pissed off. That guy is a

Yeah I agree with ONE caveat.

I don’t have the patience to read all the comments.

There are obviously societal and maybe even baseline human being characteristics underlying all this. Ones that in all likelihood will never fully be dealt with. But we’re chipping away at them I think. Bit by bit.

Well first I’d say thank you to the women who stepped forward to speak to the NYT and thus forced Louis’ hand. This would not have happened otherwise. He would have done Colbert, his movie would have come out, and life would have continued on.

honestly for me the biggest disappointment is in men in general (especially men in powerful positions). But yeah...i am a big fan of Louis CK’s work (especially Horace and Pete which I thought was an incredible achievement) and seeing him revealed as another predator is very depressing indeed. At least he confessed

It’s definitely something that has occurred to me. We’ve been pondering for years if it’s “ok” to still like strong art from bad (or at least badly flawed) people but I think you make an even stronger point by saying that SOME of the characteristics that lead to artistic success can also lead to sexually predatory

Just realized Pamela Adlon is gonna be asked to weigh in on all this and shit...the whole thing is so fucking depressing. There seems to be no end to sexually predatory dudes in the world.

So: Mel Gibson is considered “ok” in hollywood now? Shit, man. I still enjoy Lethal Weapon and Mad Max but why is he in NEW movies?

To be clear: I generally don’t assume anonymous internet rumors to be true OR false by “default” (unless it’s some 9/11 or Sandy Hook truther bullshit, then I assume it’s false). Maybe they’re true. Maybe they’re false. Maybe they’re partially true AND partially false. I don’t have enough information to know. As

Well whatever it is...it is scary as f**k. These people have to be voted out ASAP. Removed sooner if Mueller hits a home run.

that would be horrifying and disenchanting in the extreme. I have heard not a whisper of such things thankfully. Patton seems like an utterly solid dude who is bouncing back admirably from tragedy.

Well said.

Interesting. It’s honestly something I’ve never given a second of thought to. Lawyers and cops (let alone superstar recent ex presidents who are also lawyers) as jurors.

It all sucks.

I was one of the folks who was like “We should maybe withhold judgement until there are named accusers.”