eli friedmann

WELP there’s the story:

Do lawyers always get tossed from the jury pool?

So far the republican leaders are saying “if true he’s gone” but the republican voters are screaming “fake news!”

True that. (typo corrected...ha!!)

Yep. I’ve already seen some of this. Dark times y’all.

I think of all the other choices they (or Atwood) could have made for an ending and this is by FAR the most elegant solution. Just brilliant.

Doing this is a public service announcement would be a very “citizen Obama” thing to do.

I’m definitely “pro truth”.

Oh boy. The deluge just keeps on....

The seeds were there but man....this feels like a next level.


Pretty sure they already dismissed him.

The torrent of accusations has become overwhelming. Honestly now: this is a new thing, right (not the assaults, molestations, harassment but the public nature of the accusations). We have not seen this kind of opening of the floodgates ever before, right? It is quite something to see, and is likely only the tip of the

aside: the thematic similarities to Cronenberg’s “Spider” AND “A Dangerous Method” where unmistakable. His presence in the cast was not just a random shout out to awesome Canadians. I have no doubt he dug the material (the plasticity of memory and identity, psychoanalytic methodology, etc).

The closeness of just straight up Nazis with the GOP and it’s media incarnation (Fox) just gets cozier and cozier. What a time to be alive. Aside: quite pleased at how many republicans got their asses handed to them last night. Hopefully a sign of things to come.

Definitely one of the most challenging and dense finales of any show I can think of. You know the embarrassing cliche “it really makes you think”.

All I’m gonna say is that this show rocks and the finale is spectacular. If any of you are for any reason drifting on ep 5 then definitely finish the show off: Maybe one of the most thought provoking finales of any show I can think of at the moment.

This show is great.

I haven’t done a Curb re-watch in years. “Freak book” is a great ep. With john mcenroe i think? I don’t remember a plane scene off hand. Either way since LD is the king of being aggravated and planes/airports are very aggravating it is a match made in heaven.

Once again I have to applaud this show for having the focus to plan out a clear series trajectory with a definite structure....including a definitive end. Way too many shows just let things drag on until they get cancelled against their will. These guys went the opposite way. Good stuff.