eli friedmann

Sadly not surprising. This guy always seemed like a creep tbh.

Dude needs a sober companion/friend to stop him before he commits to tattoos. No amount of lasers is going to be able to get that off and it looks really odd. OTOH it’s his body so I guess he can do whatever he wants to do to it. On a somewhat related topic: Eastern Promises is still an awesome movie.

She definitely comes off well here. She’s not portraying herself as some above it all superwoman, just a decent human in a difficult and sometimes socially/morally ambiguous industry. Glad she spoke up. She really did it well.

I pretty much have to agree. This place is almost graveyard-esque compared to before. It’s a shame.

One of the most effective, nuanced, candid, insightful, and well composed of these horrible stories. Good on her for pulling back the curtain just a bit more.

Definitely one of those stinkers where even just from looking at the trailer I was wondering how they got A list actors involved.

It feels like a dam has broken, or at least sprung a significant leak. As ugly as all the allegations are this is a good thing. Plenty of abuse will continue to happen but many will think twice before stepping over the line. Baby steps.

With all the noise and daily outrages this is the most salient point. None of this will end as long as Trump’s support among Republican primary voters remains high. Congressional republicans are afraid to speak out against him because they are afraid of their voters turning on them. So forget impeachment unless

She is absolutely horrible. There’s no two ways about it. Trump does some indefensible shit and she’s just there droning away in this patronizing tone as tho he’s just turned water into wine and why is everyone so upset about it.

Just triple checking: It’s definitely too late for a do over, right? Just kinda rewind the national tape so to speak and pretend none of these people ever existed?

aside: these two smashing pumpkins tracks on Mellon Collie still absolutely blow my mind: “Porcelina” and “Thru the Eyes of Ruby”. Some of the most shamelessly epic guitar rock of all time. Just tremendous.

It is kick ass. indeed it is.

First off: taste aside Corgan is one of the more impressive talents of the last 25 years in rock. The drive and accomplishments are undeniable. His voice is whiny as f*** but the dude’s talent and work ethic are impressive. So many tracks with him as the prime mover. Hundreds of highly produced and composed pieces of

Maybe it’s just that I’m getting acclimated but this show is only getting more interesting. Great characters/ensemble cast, dialog, production design, performances, etc. It is starting to get into that David Simon groove where things proceed but in a very believably ambiguous way. Things that you expect to resolve

McKinnon still clearly the best thing on the show. Strong did a pretty amusing Ivana Trump...although it pales compared to the real thing. Yikes.

It ain’t a perfect interview show but is there such a thing? Some pretty fun ones recently. Elliot Gould, Beau + Jeff Bridges, Pete Davidson.

You can definitely see the fincher digital color palette from social network and zodiac but the rhythms are different.

From what I’ve heard so far this is her clearest move toward the mainstream. I’m a casual fan so I have not followed everything she’s done but from what I can tell this is all about the hooks and there’s nothing wrong with that. Very punchy and commercial sounding and the artsy weird bits are toward the latter half of

The most notable thing so far is that conversations you think are about to end continue on. It has a very distinct approach. Very talky. I’ve digging it so far. Fincher is the marquee name but he does not dominate the proceedings imo.

Manson has been on WTF + Stern in the last couple weeks. Both pretty entertaining + i’ve never listened to his music. Seriously tho on WTF Manson does an impression of David Lynch from when they did Lost Highway....i was rolling. He starts the interview sober and ends it drunk (which Maron mentions in the intro).