eli friedmann

Aside: the highlight of the Manson interview on WTF this week was his impression of David Lynch. So f***ing funny. His drunkenness progressing as the interview went on was also kind of amusing.

At first I thought this was a hellishly early christmas song and she was saying “bells” instead of “pills”. She is going ruthlessly for the ear worms this time around...and I think it’s working! Good for her.

With every new story Harvey moves further into Cosby territory. Yeesh.

Her acting. It is is not, how do you say....good? She’s a beautiful woman to be sure, which no doubt helps in getting gigs where people point cameras at you...but the acting part is lacking.

You should see it on aesthetic grounds alone. Forget if it all makes sense and just dig the spectacle. It’s worth it.

Not quite sure where this will “settle” for me over time but damn...it was a sight to see, and a sound to hear in IMAX. Some maybe questionable things here and there and many moments of full on sensory overload.

Yeah I’m actually re-listening to the audiobook version this month and the going back and forth between the two time frames (opposite to the gimmicky Nolan way of doing it) only increases the sense of depth and humanity. It makes the history very personal to the characters. I always found the most powerful part of the

well said.

Fair enough. Enjoyment is enjoyment. The movie is more fun in the pure sense, but almost by definition less immersive, less textured.

Yep. Genuine cat for sure.

At the same time as he projected effortless cool he took the craft of song writing really seriously. You don’t get tracks that flawless without complete dedication to craft.

Tom Petty is one of the all time greats.

The godfather book is B grade at best IMO. The film is a masterpiece for the ages. Night/Day. It’s not a matter of true/false to the source it’s an issue of tone, pacing, atmosphere, etc. Cronenberg’s Dead Zone changes and condenses a ton of stuff. It’s not so much about faithful/unfaithful to plot details. It’s the

Well yeah king is not really about momentum. It’s more about inhabiting a world. If I want a tightly constructed propulsive story I look elsewhere. I like all the weird little backroads and detours in king. As far as movies that most improve upon the source (are are just themselves truly great films) it’s a vast

It is. I’ve never seen her in much besides (ug) Californication but she pretty much owns this.

Agreed. Some strong endings. Some weakish. Some full on bad. The good you mention I agree with. Also Misery was pretty satisfying IMO. Salem’s Lot, I remember liking that one. But yeah Dead Zone, Carrie, Firestarter, Shining all very strong. I also really enjoyed the ambiguous ending of the Mist (not the movie). The

The digressions, background into the families of all the kids, and the historical stuff is some of my favorite material in the book. The movie was very nicely done, and it would have been impossible to cram all the stuff from the book into it...but I’m glad it was in the book to begin with.

Really surprised at how compelling this was. The Netflix formula found a really good match in this source material. Ultra small scale. Very faithful to the book. Very strong performances. Harrowing.

Definitely makes the Leto villain that much more disappointing. So instead of spectral aging Bowie we get sub par Joker. Screw it I am going to do my level best to enjoy this movie no matter how many things indicate it will not be great. Deakins will lead us through the spectacle!

No doubt they were aware of the delivery formats when they shot so Harrison fords head won’t be weirdly out of frame, etc. It still seems like a shame. I’m trying to think of a single photo I’ve taken where a quarter of the frame is optional. This seems like an especially terrible situation with blade runner which is