eli friedmann

technical aside/question: in some of the promo for the movie i’ve seen it implied that if you DON’T see it in IMAX the image will be significantly cropped (meaning that parts of the image will simply be chopped off on the top/bottom of the frame). Resolution and screen size are one thing but this really alters the

I’m ambivalent about all this promo. I’m going to be seeing the movie regardless but all the “shorts” etc are making me want to see it less. That is probably not the most typical response tho. Best case scenario is that the movie is interesting enough on it’s own merits (visual, thematic, etc) that we’ll be able to

It really is quite astounding the career that Stephen King has had. Love him or hate him (or love some of his stuff, hate some stuff, indifferent to others) this guy has suffused the American culture like nobody else. Decades on, dozens (at least) of adaptations of every quality from great to horrible. It is pretty

I’ve lost the flavor and intensity of last season a bit but this show is still great. Nothing else like it on tv/internet/etc. Great characters. Great casting. Goggins is getting more fun out of this than any actor has a right to. When he burned up all their IDs in the bucket that expression he made was priceless. I

A do over of a reboot of a cheesy comic book. Man this is grim.

I’m not.

Sure...but I am separating sadism from having a good sense of humor.

I see that behavior less as humorous and more as sadistic.

One more thing which illustrates the absolutely brutal contrast between Obama and Trump as human beings and leaders is humor. Obama is so casually and naturally humorous (including self depreciating humor) and Trump is utterly humorless (especially self depreciating humor).

It can’t be very often that the darkest and deepest show on (or at lease ONE of the darkest/deepest) is a cartoon. This season has not been bulletproof but when it hits it really hits.

This only makes me want to see this thing more.

If CK did in fact pressure women into watching him jack it then that is f***ed up and he should be called to account. However...ARE there even allegations? Is there a difference between a rumor and an allegation? I always thought an allegation required a person to level an accusation directly but maybe I’m using the

Stern was talking about this and he thought it was just Carrey goofing on this woman to see if she got the joke.

I don’t care how dippy he gets I will always tune in to see what weirdness Paul Schrader is up to.

One of the greatest faces in the history of acting. Total legend. From Alien to Repo Man to Twin Peaks. Immortal in art my good man. RIP HDS.

considering the self conscious staginess of some of his recent work I would not be surprised if “mistakes” were intentional. weird continuity errors, off kilter casting, extreme theatricality of Horace and Pete purposely referencing old media, etc.

I would not be totally surprised if it was intentional or at the very least happened initially on set unintentionally but was then included in the film on purpose.

These shorts are killing the vibe already.

Good show good ep. It manages to feel dense with content and yet very loose limbed at the same time. Glad this show is back.

Now there’s just a little infinity sign up there. I have infinity notifications from years ago.