
Completely agree

So… you guys are just ignoring Better Call Saul now?

Do you really think that if a gigantic movie actress was on an HBO show they would call her in for reshoots? Saying that them calling Valerie and not Seth for reshoots is sexist is ridiculous. If Natalie Portman did an HBO show opposite a washed up B-list actor, you better believe she'd be getting preferential

Just stop it already. This was a great episode of The League, and even if most of this season so far hasn't been amazing, it doesn't mean that it's all downhill from here. Let's get someone who actually likes this show reviewing it, The AV Club.

Has no one else noticed the Jukebox Jury reference in this week's ep? MUSTARD PANTS, people, MUSTARD PANTS!

Great Bit, bro. I think it's time for an episode of Great Bits!

Would love to see Michael Ian Black get the job. He needs to be bigger right now. How did Bradley Cooper have a more successful post-Wet Hot American Summer career than MIB? Travesty.

Explain to me how Arrow is top pick and The Americans is 'Also Noted'? That just seems…. wrong. I get that Arrow is a good show and all, but really guys?

Does anyone know if the title "App Development" is a nod to Mitch Hurwitz and "Arrested Development" or if it's simply because of the storyline of the episode?

No mention of About a Boy?

Finger magnets, people! Finger magnets! I have magnets in my finger now… for my job.

This cast just keeps getting better and better as they add some of the best actors from long canceled TV shows.

If Jimmy was actually dead and gone there would be no reason for the show to leave his death so vague and ambiguous. We didn't see a body; Jimmy WILL return, the question is only when.

I absolutely loathe the fact that the show went down this extremely predictable path. From the moment Mike's brother showed up, it was clear that Fiona was going to eventually sleep with him. This exact scenario has been played out on so many shows before. I would've thought the Shameless writers were more original.

How in the WORLD could Nick afford to rent out a movie theater?

Until tonight, I felt like the show was clearly saying that Marshall was entirely in the wrong all along. I enjoyed how it showed a little bit of his perspective tonight, in that nothing is quite so black and white for a couple that has been together for this long and has the amount of history that Marshall and Lily

Thrilled to discover that Garry Marshall is part of the CBB staff.

They should be doing that anyway, because apparently most of them aren't even funny enough to merit any screentime all season.

By the time SNL finishes adding at least one person of every ethnicity to the cast, the show will have to be 5 hours long just to give every player 30 seconds of screen time.