Prime Davis

Please don't do it. Please, please, please don't do it. The new design is awful. It's harder to read, harder to 'scan' for interesting comments, harder to quickly seperate comment threads, harder to read threads, uses screen real estate less efficiently (I really like 2 columns).

I find the current format works better on my iPhone 5S (And will allow me to post OppositeLock Posts better as well, although I do understand you're keeping that unchanged for the time being) than on the new format.

Is it possible to leave it for mobile and change it for the computer?

Will you have the option to still

Well, it was nice commenting with you guys.

77 years and counting.

For real? He seems to live his entire life being downright giddy. We should all be so lucky!

Hi my name's Brian.

Just like you guys did in Vancouver...

You guys are really reaching for stuff to publish before you acknowledge that Canada won, aren't you?

Infotainment? This is all the infotainment I need on a dashboard:

Nope, they should be humiliated, this is junk.

It's an automatic...the protesters are just being good jalopniks

I'm a Southerner and my family has lived in the same rural area for over 200 years. If there is a symbol to show the pride of being Southern, the confederate flag isn't one of them. Plain and simple. You want to show pride? Feed people who aren't from the South BBQ, have them listen to bluegrass, blues, or country,

Ok, snobbish Yankee assholes, answer this question:

I know the Lalalalaferrari js supposed to be exciting, but it just, well, isn't. The engine doesn't have the emotion-inducing sound of some of its predecessors, it's not pretty (awfully-done wedge shape and mirrors that look like antennae) but neither was the Enzo and nothing in their lineup except possibly the

Yeah, it's total BS. I'm always like, "is Blake Griffin a basketball player or a car salesman?" It's time to get serious about basketball, Blake. Maybe he wouldn't be fake dunking without touching the rim if he focused on his dang job.

This is the same Danica that wants to be taken seriously as an athlete and not just as a sex object, right????

Even though the title warned "NSFW", I looked at this at work. It was quite a rush. I might try illicit drugs after work.

One that's actually fucking small.