
Even Western athletes are open to being bought. Belarus has 2 American gymnasts with no connection to the country:

“It’s all Jurgen’s fault.” - Abby Wambach

I played the first-gen Gameboy game when it came out and dug it. I’d pay good money for that game just ported to my phone.

Coors heavy is aggressively not my shit.

Steven Gerrard and/or Fernando Torres :(

1. High Life

Cheap. I don’t care.

That’s a seal.

We would aggressively back this ticket, calculating that the benefit to our site offered by a win would outweigh the attendant misery and suffering.

Tipping is bad but I do 20% and $1 per drink/coffee.

Will we be seeing a “Dogs, ranked” post soon? The takes from dog people would melt steel crates.