Eli Dyer

If you played competitively, Top 5 would be:

No matter what the weapons are ranked. As a Gears veteran who played for 4 years straight. The most used weapon was easily the Gnasher. It became get close to an opponent and obliterate them in an instant with the Gnasher. There was also the dance of the Gnasher fake out. Where two opponents would get real close to

Every Compelling Character In The Entire Trilogy Is Male”

While we’re at it.

Unoriginal, but boy is it true.

Children in Africa could be eating that phone

My friend tried that in GTA IV.

Goddamn it! I needed coasters and my parents gave me Final Fantasy XIII! I am so tired of their shit! I'm running away!

Someone should get all these people in touch so they can swap and get what they wanted. Then shoot them.

Say what you want but that looks awful

This is not "watered down" GTA: SA. On the contrary, it's enhanced. GTA V will likely be possible on phones in a few years (maybe more like 2016), since it runs on Xbox 360/PS3. Mobile graphics are rapidly catching up with those platforms. Why anyone would need that kind of horsepower in their pocket is, however,

Alternative title: How to Open Your Finger with a Can.

And they're so lazy that they used a Roomba to clean up cereal from a countertop!!!

He didn't say it was

"Kingdom Hearts III is scheduled for release on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sometime before the sun explodes."

Really? As a man that makes a living drawing I take issue with this. Artist have to eat too.

Because as we all know, You can pay your rent in happiness.

$4k is not all that much for 2 tracks featuring in a game that has made millions already. He didn't get paid, they used the tracks...they owe him.

If he owns the rights to the music, he has the right to turn any offer down regardless of how "reasonable" it may be.

All grown up.