Eli B

Came here to say this.

He was just shocked and awakened by horrific Japanese karaoke screaming.

Yeah, Cupid-Me existing in areas away from Cartman raises some eyebrows, but it's all 100% worth it for the peeing in the mouth.

Well neither character has ever particularly done anything "straight" either, as far as I can remember. So it's not necessarily suddenly changing a character I don't think.

I was kinda rooting for Principal Victoria, myself.

I dunno… I think that there's something to be said for Tweek and Craig actually finding some sort of affection for each other. I've seen most people say "Tweek and Craig are just going along with it in the end" but I DON'T KNOW.

I also choose to look at the ending as something sad. Don's on the cusp of enlightenment, but because he's an empty person without anything meaningful in his life, he takes that "enlightenment" and uses it in the only way he knows how — to cash in and use it to simply sell an unhealthy product to the masses with the

"Joan reviews cocaine: 'I feel like someone just gave me very good news.'"

Pretty much this.


"And you can replace the actors and nobody can tell the diddly-ifference!"

I know right? Genuinely annoyed.

You are not wrong!

Thank you so much for posting this. This was absolutely fascinating.

Wow. That ending was devastatingly depressing. Seriously. That's like, all I have to say. This show certainly had balls until the very end.

Yea, despite the recast, this was easily the best of the season so far. Didn't dwell on the mythos stuff (that has been very poorly executed,) and had a lot of great scenes and laughs. And mad props for Wilfred losing a leg. I know that there are only 3 episodes left, but still, ballsy move.

the world needs more people like you, sir.
Bravo, and well said.

Less Francine means less secret elections, eh Max?

I dunno, I liked Introducing the Naughty Stewardesses quite a bit, personally. Stan and Francine getting excited over something so stupid was great, and switching faces is never not amazing.

Oh no, I had no problem with the gore, I just felt that he was one of the best guest/new characters to be on AD, and that there was totally loads that they could have done with him next season if he stuck around. Just felt like his death was a bit of a missed opportunity.
Pff, I could care less about the gore. Love,