
Your headline seems rather misleading. Perhaps you meant to say "Not as controversial as expected" which implies that it's still perhaps controversial. The phrase "not so controversial after all" is generally used to mean that it's NOT controversial.

The problem with shows like this is that it greatly inflates the perception of risk by giving "balanced" and "equal" time to each "side." Whether or not Couric intends to, by giving equal time to people who believe (possibly incorrectly) that their child died from a vaccine to a position that says "this is totally the

Sooooo I hate to be a contrarian, and yes this research study was totally inflated by the media (as is every research study), but research on risk factors and side-effects of oral contraceptives is not the enemy. I happen to think that it is empowering to have more information on the long-term impacts of taking an


I think you're referring to the Lisak study. Which, while important, has some limitations that need to be acknowledged when attempting to generalize his findings.

Just turn it around for a second and imagine if I said in a comment that I didn't like female urologists or IMs seeing me because I don't feel comfortable about women's ability to be clinical and professional. Y'know, because they have LADY FEELINGS.

When I had a cyst on my ovary bust, the attending OB-GYN in the ER was a young male. I was in so much pain that I didn't care who was looking at me — but guess what? He was respectful, considerate and very thorough in explaining everything that was going on and what steps I needed to take to prevent it from happening

You have to admit, alternating current works better for people who despise Thomas Edison. Similarly, many Macintosh problems can be fixed by donning a black turtleneck.

FFS, I wish they would stop accepting papers with such shoddy numbers for publication. How in the world can you even begin to extrapolate out data from n = 14?

I apologize for the length of this, but I just want to reinforce that whole "rational" talk you mention.

I'm sure there are a bunch of different factors going on - but outside of BMI and ethnicity, nothing else was found to be significant here. (And don't get me started on how much BMI sucks at everything). That's primarily what I'm frustrated with - the fact that they read a scientific study, pulled food hormones out

Yes - I understand that there could be a connection between hormones in food and how kids retain weight, and where she's mentally getting that from. But you can't just do that in science reporting. The theories put forth by the articles do not mention hormone intake at all, and actually specifically speak against it

My under 2 year olds watch Sesame Street. If I'm going to shower, ever, they have to watch a little tv. I'm okay with it. I know everyone will probably say it, but I watched a TON of tv when I was growing up and I'm a normal (ish, who is actually normal I say!) adult who got good grades and advanced degrees.

Yeah so, foreskins are not actually part of the cure. It's just a kind of skin that's extremely shitty at growing human hair (glabrous skin, which is naturally hairless), so it serves as a good way to test the harshest conditions possible.

Okay, as someone who does what this person does for a living, here is what he could have said about this to actually get his point across and not seem like an ass (though, it seems like this was something for RA's, a quick memo he sent out to his staff that was then forwarded on):

You know, this is getting absurd. It's good damned advice. Period. It's not shaming, it's not putting the onus on the youngs to not get raped, it's saying "hey, head's up" and it's not bad advice.

I think it's important to note that this isn't about classifying PMS as a mental disorder but a very specific, much more rare, dehabilitating form of PMS. If classifying it as a mental disorder means that insurance covers treatment and meds, doctors take it seriously, etc., I have to say that I support it.

One problem is that schools in poor areas are just so fucking shitty that if you have the means to put your kids in a different school, it is crazy not to do so.

I think he should go for it anyway. Men can have stunning legs in a nice set of heels.