
Everything is a homage to everything else. But Marilyn is and will always be the original. :)

Maybe it's an obvious homage to Marilyn Monroe's Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend?

One Night Affair in LA will tailor to fit, but they're purely local (not like Rent the Runway which is nationally available but you can only see the dresses online). I rented my wedding dress from One Night Affair (10 years ago!) but ended up overspending anyways because I got a little too enthusiastic about the

There are many people in medical school who do not actually understand how to read medical literature, despite being taught how to do so in medical school. I can quite personally assure you that a great many intelligent doctors don't get much farther than reading the abstract and have little to no idea how to

Watching his testimony, I get the feeling that Dr. Oz actually believes in his own BS. That's probably the saddest thing of all. I think he really thinks the magic is REAL.

I think the question you raised here is good one and I wish there was more discussion of it. I don't have a complete answer - my thoughts are that some of the discussions of sexual assault are trying to illustrate to men in general that there IS STILL a problem of misogyny and violence against women in our society

the false positive rate could be really relevant ... If new parents are so very very valuable, it might be worthwhile to send baby related stuff to just about anyone who comes within sniffing distance of a baby because advertising (direct mail and online ads) can be pretty cheap. Then it'd look like big data is

oh, yes ... The cosleeping. Our first was a champion sleeper - in her own room by week 2 and took less than 20 min to put to bed. We knew we were lucky (not good) but we had no idea just how lucky we were. Enter #2, who will only sleep if he's nose deep in your armpit. I lasted less than 24 hrs.

I agree there's often a strong flavor of racism and condescension when "civilized" white women write about "native" (used pejoratively) cultures. At the same time, there was that whole practice of sati in India that the British banned. And while you could make arguments for allowing women to voluntarily self-immolate

THIS. This needs to be the top comment in this whole discussion. Thank you so much for sharing.

I really, really wish every male CEO / executive / famous person got asked this question. Because then maybe we could start thinking of work-life balance as a non-gender specific issue, instead of always relegating it to the womens' issue pile. And maybe we'd get over the totally weird relationship we have with work

Are you saving the conversation about transgender people for when she's older? That may make more sense then trying to explain to a two year old that penis doesn't necessarily equal boy in all situations. (I like to over complicate things, apparently.)

I am actually wondering if my insistence on teaching my child to refer to people as "people/persons" instead of as "men" or "women" is actually part of the reason why she seems to have no idea who's a boy and who's a girl. So ... I went with option #3 but I have no idea if that was a good idea or not.

Totally agree on the recall bias. There are pictures of my younger brother wearing a dress at age 2 and he is neither trans nor gay. But there's not much interest in articles about people who grow up to be cis-gender (because they'd probably be pretty boring), so you're missing the whole dataset of people who were

Thanks for linking to this!

I am also confused by the idea of gender identification at age 2. I asked my 2.5 yr old yesterday if she thought she was a girl or a boy and she said "boy". She then proceeded to tell me all of her teachers were boys too. (They're not - they're all female.) Her uncle is a "boy and a girl" as is her aunt. The only

Um. Going to have to respectfully disagree on this one. That was neither funny or good.

Ha. Have you not seen this?

Ha. I read analyst reports for work and every now and then I'll catch something funny or idiosyncratic in them. It reminds me that at the other end of every analyst report there's probably an overworked 20-to-30-something with a random sense of humor. : )

Thanks for the clarification!! : ) It is useful to have actual doctors around when these topics come up.