
Um ... a lot of Ob/Gyns are female. And they're the doctors who do this procedure.

Thank you for providing context!!

Can you really? While I suppose it's possible you could put a scalpel through a laparoscopic incision and chop the uterus up that way, I was under the impression that most laparoscopic hysterectomies used a morcellator to cut up the uterus so you didn't have to make a large incision. I'm totally not a doctor though,

Nope ... the description of the procedure in the Boston.com article is of a laparoscopic hysterectomy with morcellator. You're thinking of a hysteroscopic morcellation, which only removes the fibroid by inserting a small morcellator through the cervix.

Actually, if your mother had her uterus removed laparoscopically it's highly likely they used a morcellator. A morcellator is basically a tool (think tiny chainsaw) that cuts up the uterus into smaller pieces so it can be taken out through small laparoscopic incisions. (Without a morcellator, they'd have to cut open

You forgot the most important step: Be born with the right genes.

It could just be that people didn't want to ask the question, "are you the babysitter?" instead. I usually just assume the adult with the kid is the parent until someone tells me otherwise, no matter how old / young / alike / not-alike he or she looks. (Well, unless it's obviously a grandparent over 80.)

It does seem like everyone always knows exactly how you should be raising your kids, much like the Republicans all seem to know exactly what you should (or should not) be doing with your vagina / uterus.

Your class sounds like it was super cool. Here's what I did in our 6 week home ec rotation: learn to use a sewing machine (a skill that is completely useless if you don't own a sewing machine), clip coupons (learned that from my mom), meal plan (i.e. have a meat, a starch, and a veggie ... ha! I'm lucky if I have

I feel kind of bad when we make fun of stupid on the internet. Yes, this guy should have just asked about "work-life balance" like a every other normal non-stupid wannabe-professional person instead of oversharing. But stupid can't help itself, it just is. Leave the poor guy alone.

What are the odds we're just going to do this all over again come Jan 15? Gah.

I really, really want one of those vaginal re-education classes in France, where they teach you how to do pelvic floor exercises and measure your pelvic floor strength with vagina-controlled video games. Because, besides Kegels, my prenatal class taught me nothing about pelvic floor exercises in general.

If you work in the US these days, you are pretty much expected to not have any kind of life.

I am so with you. I don't understand why we're all supposed to pretend that we LOVE developing market specs or putting together bullshit strategic plans or pretending that our product is going revolutionize the world (it's not). Maybe there really are people out there who really think this stuff is meaningful and I

I feel so much guilt about not being more motivated at work. (And here I am, commenting on Jezebel!) I don't like my job, but I'm good at it and I'm afraid to tell people my five year plan is to just keep getting paid because everyone seems to expect so much more of me. When we were kids, it was all about "finding

Ooh! I'll have to go check those out. Thanks!
They Might be Giants have great kids music too, though I'll guess you already know that. :)

I have spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to find music videos for my toddler that do not involve puppets. (Because even little kids should listen to decent music.) It's really frustrating to try to find something that features a strong female singer that doesn't involve 4 minutes of sexy, half-dressed

You know, I wonder if that reluctance on the part of women to "jump ship" as easily as I've seen some men do could also be a contributing factor to why women's wages and career progression seems to grow more slowly than their male counterparts'.

I get what you're saying about the impact to a company when an employee has to take an extended leave. It sucks, both for the company, and for all the other employees that have to pick up that person's slack. At the same time, though, I feel like our current corporate environment has a tendency to forget that

I think she's trying to mock the New Yorker article linked to at the bottom but doing a really terrible job of it.