
That's a lot less exciting. :) But it probably makes it a lot more functional as clothing.

So what happens if you walk by a electrical generator? Or, worse, a MRI machine? Do you suddenly find yourself naked?

An important clarification. I don't think sexual orientation is protected on a federal level yet.

Bringing the lawsuit helps solidify the legal precedent that business cannot discriminate against customers for their sexual orientation, just as a restaurant can't refuse to seat a black person. It's an important step towards a culture where no one thinks twice about gay people getting married and you don't have

my kid is huge. : ) we just switched her to size 6 diapers. that may be skewing my perspective.

"Al Jazeera America is reporting that the birds suffer from Newcastle disease, a contagious virus that — hooray! — is transmittable to humans, though, luckily, people can't die from it...yet."

I like the shirts they have for girls (a lot more color options!), but I find their pants a little tight. We got the kidlet what turned out to be skinny jeans (my fault for not looking at them very closely ... we were trying to get out of the store quickly). I'm not sure why a 2 year old needs skinny jeans. They

Thank god. It's annoying when your only options are either pink, purple, covered with glitter, or all of the above.

Ha. I was just in Target the other day trying to buy clothes for my 2 year old. The gender stereotyping is EVERYWHERE. Girls get pink and purple and Hello Kitty and hearts all over everything; Boys get trucks and surfboards and dinosaurs. It's sickening.

I feel like I must be missing some context because I don't see why this thread turned so mean so fast, but I am super glad your comments are reasonable and balanced. I'm not a huge fan of black / white / good / evil pigeonholing of people. Thanks for making a sane comment that I totally agree with.

Between this story and the baby monitor hacking story, I kinda want to leave all my electronics behind and go live in a cave or something. A cave with doors.

Cake Wrecks is the best! The wedding cake posts are almost always my favorite:

There was a New Yorker article about how, sometimes, a songwriter will send out tapes of musical tracks to multiple people and more than one artist / songwriter will take on the song. Most famous example: Beyonce's Halo and Kelly Clarkson's Already Gone. They have the same musical chorus (though different lyrics).

A mere "recommend" does not begin to capture how much I agree with you on this point. This. A Million Million Times THIS.

Yup, totally agree. Pharma companies have little incentive to invest in development, testing, and manufacturing anything that isn't going to make the huge profit margins they've grown accustomed to. That's why there aren't that many companies that make vaccines and why we are constantly dealing with shortages of

I totally agree with what you're saying and I'm glad you're saying. The whole "cultural appropriation" argument seems a little oversensitive to me sometimes (and a little too self-centered on a Western point of view with a false dichotomy defined between "protecting" and "oppressing" other cultures).

Maybe it's because we were the first in our peer group to get married, so no one (including us) was all that familiar with wedding etiquette. But our friends really were confused by the "no gifts" request and our MOH and Best Man convinced us we really needed a registry based on the conversations they were having as

We tried the whole "no registry" route + "don't give us gifts" whisper campaign and people were incredibly baffled by this. We finally had to set up a registry because people just kept asking for one. And then, because not everyone knew about the registry but felt compelled to give us something anyways, we got a

You could also make the bodies uniformly larger and realistically proportioned. An extra 20 cc's of plastic wouldn't have a significant effect on production or materials cost.

I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought. I think you're saying that Barbie's unrealistic proportions are a requirement / compromised by the necessity of making her close hang attractively? If so, it seems like the Emme doll would be a good counter example. It too is a 16" plastic doll designed around more