
I buy the argument that TeaCaffiend made that their hands are fixed in certain positions (splayed) that would make putting clothes on them difficult. But I don't buy the argument that a doll's hand should be larger than her ARM. Furthermore, this problem with fabric scaling doesn't seem to be a major issue with

The pics of Emme dressed up in a ball gown don't look so bad.

Agreed. Any doll where you have to *remove her hands* to change her clothes isn't really helping body acceptance at all. And it's not like the Monster High dolls aren't also conventionally pretty in the same giant bug-eyed, twig skinny, perfectly-made up way that Barbie is.

Hmm ... I don't think I got quite the same impression from her second paragraph.

Aren't some criminals actually "good people" though? Examples coming to mind include Assata Shakur, Bill Ayers, ex-gang members turned priests or whatever. I'm sure I could think of more if I tried (or spent more time on Google). These are people who have actually done bad things (armed robbery, planting bombs,

: ( That totally sucks. I hope your boyfriend eventually learns that sex can be great without orgasm and realizes that you can have loving, intimate, fun sex without an arbitrary (and overrated) goalpost.

I'm super glad you wrote this. I used to wonder if there was something wrong with me because I never found orgasms all that mind blowing and now I've just come to accept that it's not something that's going to change with a new technique or toy. It's nice, but it takes work and I have to be in exactly the right mood

YES. It's taken me several years to explain this to my spouse (who's wonderful and I love him). I still don't think he quite gets it ... he still thinks my having multiple orgasms should be his ultimate goal ... but at least he doesn't argue with me (as much) when I tell him I'm perfectly happy having sex that

Clearly, it's a trap. Like all those dinosaur bones in the ground. Because God has nothing better to do with His time than to set all His followers up for failure.

My husband has a habit of stepping on his towel to dry his feet, then hanging it back up to use again tomorrow. I personally find this a little gross, but it's probably based on my irrational perceptions of floors as unclean spaces. He also doesn't put the toilet cover down when he flushes, which I find really

Here's the thing about the NYT article: If the husband does more than just picking up the kids and coaching their soccer teams, he's not getting any credit for it. If he's not doing his share of the housework, he's not getting called out on it either. It was the choice of the NYT writer to focus solely on the

Agreed! The hardest part (for me) was learning to live with him not doing some things as well as I thought they should be done. It took me a while, but I finally realize that it wasn't helping either of us when I'd just take over and do it myself. It made me resent him for not doing his share and it made him resent

I'd prefer it if the NYT article was about working moms AND dads who are choosing life over career advancement. And it'd be nice if the fundamental assumption of the article wasn't "Women who have jobs are also supposed to take care of ALL the household chores and childcare ... How do they do it???" Other than that,

I wasn't super impressed with my husband's house cleaning skills when we first moved in together either, and there are still some chores that I hesitate giving to him. But he can't learn or get better if I don't give him the leeway to take responsibilities for his own share of the housework, even if it means I have

I knew someone who transferred out of a surgical residency (can't remember which - ortho, i think) to switch to anesthesiology because he just got totally sick of it. Neurosurgery is intense. But crazy cool. I hope he loves doing the surgery! (Because, really, can you think of a worse hell than to go through 4

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes to everything you said! I agree that parenting (and the whole balancing-work-and-children) should be a discussion topic for BOTH men and women!!

Ouch. 7 years?? He was at BIDMC in Internal Medicine, which has plenty of women at least. Is your husband in a surgical specialty? We're now in California for his fellowship which I hear is slightly less crazy than residency, though I don't believe it.

When my husband was in residency, one of his fellow residents took TWO WEEKS off for her "maternity leave", and she still had to make up the time later.

It's always irked me that there's an aspect of feminism that assumes you get pride, joy, and meaning from working outside the home and therefore feminist women should work. I get neither pride, joy, or meaning from my work. I do, however, get a paycheck. If I ever found myself in the position where that paycheck