
Does living with a partner that you're not married to make it more likely that you'll have a equitable relationship? If it's the expectation of a second shift that's the problem, I'm not sure how being married would change things from just being in a live-in relationship with a guy who has outdated views on gender

Sexist stereotypes are sexist, regardless of which gender they happen to be maligning. Plus, this ad creeps me out.

The whole not-normal-joint-movement thing is especially creepy. *shudder*

A few necessary points of context:

From Wikipedia — looks like there may be quite a bit of variation in the estimates of male / female abusers.

I think it's horribly sad that we are afraid of (non-dad) men watching our children. That seems to be as confining and unfair a stereotype as thinking that women can't make good business executives because they're too nice by nature.

It may be that I'm just feeling cynical today, but I'm wondering if a press release that simply said more cases of breast cancer are being diagnosed because more people are being screened would have provided quite the impact they were looking for. : P

What the article doesn't tell you is whether or not more women under 40 are undergoing cancer screening, leading to more women being diagnosed. Also, the improvement in the survival rate could be due to better treatment of early detected disease OR because some of those cancers detected in women under 40 were

If they had to limit their study to men for some reason (budgets? a outdated gender-specific worldview?) they could have simply said so in their paper (and maybe proposed future experiments with women) ... They certainly could have been specific about the findings with invoking that hoary old cliche about "honey

It actually would have been fascinating if they'd shown a significant effect in men but not in women. Then there'd be lots of possible follow-up studies to figure out why that was the case.

I think the researchers could have done everyone a favor if they'd simply framed it that way (i.e. taking minocycline makes people less likely to display a bias towards attractive people) rather than focusing on the whole "honey trap" scenario, as they so charmingly referred to in the title of their paper.

A pretty interesting finding (minocycline makes people less likely to make different trusting decisions based on attractiveness) but a stupid as crap study. Would have been more interesting if they'd included both male and female subjects with both same and opposite sex partners ... especially if they'd also factored

I liked Nurse-O-Rama's recommendation to focus on actual metrics of health (bp, heart rate, blood sugar, etc.) as opposed to simply focusing on the weight itself.

I agree - i love the shapes! But why not just use opaque black fabric for the train? Would have looked just as lovely.

There's really only so many things you can do that are a) cheap, b) fit mostly everybody, and c) provide quick access to your private bits. I'm loving the green and blue boxes, though. : )

But was it designed by Diane von Furstenberg? I think not. Cleveland Clinic for the win.

I know! It's more than a little reprehensible.

There's also the larger implications of this case. If Brown wins, does that mean any Native-American biological father have automatic control over any biological offspring's ultimate custodial situation? If a Native American man raped a non-Native American woman and got her pregnant, would he or his family get

I love it! :)

I'm going to have to join the chorus as a Chinese woman married to a white man. I appreciate your concern, but please don't side-eye my husband. Just because he's with an Asian female does not make him an Asian fetishist.