
@descendency: @descendency: yes! move or kinect, i think only this will let you really get into the game with the cutting action. ps3 move might have the advantage since they integrate a control system onto the move controller. it looks like you choose the location of the cross-section, and then the angle you want to

@descendency: yes! move or kinect, i think only this will let you really get into the game with the cutting action. ps3 move might have the advantage since they integrate a control system onto the move controller. it looks like you choose the location of the cross-section, and then the angle you want to cut at. with

@NecronomiconUK: it looks like he's holding a move controller. but i guess it's epic mickey, though i've never heard of that game title until now.

image 15 kingdom hearts?!?!

no diference is fine by me, as long as the gameplay is solid and fun. i really think this generation of video game development focuses way too much on making things look good and realistic, which end up costing lots of money, time, and the inability to make the game render at the proper fps, and at the same time you

@sbtim: i believe they originally modeled lightning after cloud, wanted a lead female character but with a cloud-like attitude and look

with Sony's luck, a remake of FF7 might end up on the xbox, too =|

WOW; thanks for the tip on looking at gas futures. Filled up last night at midnight, because there was a sharp spike in gas futures. I checked out the prices this afternoon and it was 10 cents higher!