
Then he'd also be on tape admitting to a fraudulent $1.50 claim for damages as the tape is not destroyed

disbarred over fraudulently claiming $1.50 cassette in damages. (the original is intact)

Original tape wasn't destroyed, a copy was. Chuck's adding it to the total amount owed is fraudulent

Adding the cassette to the destruction of property, then having Chuck admit it was a duplicate means that the original cassette was not damaged, thus a fraudulent claim for damages??

"44 is a ripe old age …for a crocodile hunter"

His Daily Show appearance 10 days after Steve Irwin's tragic death was perhaps the pinnacle of dark humor on TV. Absolutely hilarious and uncomfortable at the same time.

I agree with the assertion that Pet Sounds was a logical step for Brian Wilson. Anybody paying attention to the chord progressions and production of "Kiss Me Baby" off Beach Boys Today (1965) knew that something incredible was on the way. To my ear, "God Only Knows" is the grown up version of the former. Both are

Wouldn't it be a nice swerve if it ended up being Kim who screws Jimmy over. Her moment of snatching the pebbles from his hand. Lessons well learned

with all the vitriol levied at Chuck, it should be noted at Kim's eventual downfall, that he tried to warn her…repeatedly

But it might help "Gene" get a happy ending. Doesn't Jimmy/Saul/Gene get a percentage of the final haul for starting the case?

just spitballin' here (from a perspective of never having seen an episode of BB) ….How apropos it would be, if the story Jimmy tells about "pie" leads to his getting disbarred. After surviving Walter White, it would fit his narrative to be taken down by something seemingly insignificant. Kim's warning may prove

I don't know, Star Talk on NatGeo does pretty well :)

More Kevin Roberts! Sketch ended just as it got going

Lou and Hank just casually blowing off the UFO incident, and Betsy's indifferent reaction was odd. It seemed like they all gave a knowing "nudge-nudge, wink, wink". Combined with other subtle references (the poster in the gas station), I'm not sure if it's to imply that everybody knows about their existence, but

Agreed, yet, we're all ok with the UFO ?

Ed slowly dying in a freezer. Rhye slowly dying in a freezer

"a walk on part in a war, for a lead role in a cage"

As soon as I saw the UFO, my heart sank, just like Season 1 and the raining fish. Still a great episode, but it just took a turn into sci-fi territory.

call came in to Lou at the border that said she was dead

Hawley has said that Season 2 is about Ed and Peggy. More to the point, it's about ordinary people put in extraordinary situations and how they react.