
Well, at the time, it was like they dropped off the face of the planet. That's what I meant.

I never understood how this band all but disappeared back in the day. I mean, after all, "The Way." And "You're an Ocean" was an incredible single. But they go from selling over a million albums to under 100,000? And then…nothing. Kinda sad. Glad to know they're still around.

canceraids and firsties.

I don't care about the show at all. I just love the Edward Hopper-esque picture at the top of the page…a lot. UPDATE: Sometimes all it takes is a single photograph. Searched this show for the first time ever…and…I'm kinda intrigued…

Read the original Variety article, AVCLUB. If by "is getting" you actually mean "nothing is confirmed", "there may be some opposition" and "more legal maneuvering is likely in the months and years to come", then…sure, you nailed it.

Fair enough.

Saw it back in the day. Made no discernible impression (musically or cinematically) on anyone I knew, beyond David Bowie rolling that glass orb around. Please, let's not completely rewrite history.

Every single time one of those commercials comes on, I say, "Real actors, not people." And my kids laugh every single time.

What I don't get is that this guy is being presented more as some untapped musical prodigy/genius (Prince) and not as the guy the girls just happened to like the most from that boy band. Like, he IS The Rolling Stones because he kinda sorta looks like the lead singer, 'k?

You've got to be kedi-ing me…

I thought that was Bryan Ferry in the picture…

Shoot…against my better judgment, I'm getting all sentimental about POTC:DMTNT.

Well, that was unnecessary.

I'm upvoting your post for the simple reason that it's just the kind of silly remark that ends up getting lost in a more serious conversation, but that you hope SOMEONE will notice. Also, because it's exactly like 95% of the stuff I post.

I love how these apartment are never, you know, square or rectangular. They're always, like, hexatagonal or tripentular.

As a person of non-color, I'm nonplussed by this.

I just figured this was something Kinsey wrote.

We need to start a hedge fund.

LOL. No, I actually did.

And, in those days, you COULD run from the theater to the record store because, more than likely, there was a record store right next door. Sigh.